Youth Empowerment

Kenya Youth Quake | An Examination Of The Generation Z-Led Protests In Kenya

Kenya Youth Quake | An Examination Of The Generation Z-Led Protests In Kenya

This report offers a thorough examination of the Generation Z led protests in Kenya. These protests, which began on June 18, 2024, were sparked by opposition to the Finance Bill 2024, but have since evolved into a broader movement reflecting deeper societal grievances and demands for systemic change. The Finance Bill sought to raise a proposed KES 348.975 billion in revenue. 

The Secretary-General's Second Report On Youth Peace And Security.

The Secretary-General's Second Report On Youth Peace And Security.

The Youth Café, with an area in Peace & Security, actively engaging youth in the maintenance and promotion of peace and security while advocating for the prevention of violent extremism through social media platforms, is publishing the Secretary-General's second Report on Youth peace and security. The present report is submitted pursuant to resolution 2535 (2020), in which the Security Council requested a biennial report on the implementation of resolutions 2535 (2020), 2419 (2018), and 2250 (2015).

The Youth Cafés 2021 Annual Impact Report.

The Youth Cafés 2021 Annual Impact Report.

The Youth Café is proud to share the eighth Impact Report produced based on the Social Return on Investment methodology. The average Social Return on Investment ratio for The Youth Café is 1:12, meaning that an investment of $1 delivers $12 value in terms of positive social impact. The present report outlines the main activities and projects carried out by The Youth Café from January to December 2021.

Youth Initiative Kenya (YIKE) | Kenyan NGO

Youth Initiative Kenya (YIKE) | Kenyan NGO

Youth Initiatives-Kenya (YIKE) is a local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that was established in 2003. The organization was formed out of academic research on the “Role of Youth Groups in the Development of their Communities” by the founding members. Thus, YIKE was established to assist marginalized and disenfranchised youth to develop initiatives that can generate income to build sustainable socio-economic livelihoods.

International Youth Foundation | Global Partnership for Youth Employment (GPYE)

International Youth Foundation | Global Partnership for Youth Employment (GPYE)

With a special focus on Africa and the Middle East, GPYE sought to address the youth employment challenge through improved knowledge-sharing, policy dialogue, and local engagement. Using this evidence-based approach, partners launched a range of youth employment programs, research initiatives, and learning events through 2014.

Young Africa International | The HUB

Young Africa International | The HUB

Young Africa is a confederation of independently and locally registered affiliated NGOs. Each affiliate runs training centres, youth self- employment programmes and community activities. Young Africa International is the founder of the confederation. It safeguards the vision, supports the work of the affiliates and seeks to expand our reach.

Mandela Washington Fellowship | U.S. Department Of State

Mandela Washington Fellowship | U.S. Department Of State

The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is the flagship program of the U.S. Government’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). Since 2014, nearly 4,400 young leaders from every country in Sub-Saharan Africa have participated in the Fellowship. The Fellows, between the ages of 25 and 35, are accomplished leaders and have established records of promoting innovation and positive impact in their communities and countries. In 2020, the Fellowship will provide 700 outstanding young leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to hone their skills at a U.S. college or university with support for professional development after they return home.

Young African Leaders Initiative | U.S. Department Of State

Young African Leaders Initiative | U.S. Department Of State

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) is the United States’ signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders. By providing in-person and online training, networking, and professional development opportunities, the Regional Leadership Centers (RLCs) serve as a place for regional collaboration driven by young leaders.