youth participation — Publications And Practical Tools On Positive Youth Development — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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youth participation

Facilitators Manual | Youth Participation in Political and Electoral Processes in Africa

 Facilitators Manual | Youth Participation in Political and Electoral Processes in Africa

This manual will assist facilitators in delivering training sessions related to the African Governance Architecture (AGA) capacity-building training of trainers’ program for youth participation in political and electoral processes. The facilitator’s manual also provides information on facilitation methodologies and strategies to be adopted during training sessions.

Youth Participation in Political and Electoral Processes in Africa | Participants Manual

Youth Participation in Political and Electoral Processes in Africa | Participants Manual

This participants’ manual will assist participants in following the sessions related to the African Governance Architecture (AGA) capacity-building training of trainers’ program for youth participation in political and electoral processes. The participant manual also provides information on methodologies and strategies to be adopted during training sessions. The youth needs to note that training content for youth participation must be context-specific. The content of this manual must be adjusted to the local, social, geographical, cultural, and political circumstances, and there is no standard training methodology and approach that can be replicated everywhere on the continent.

The European Youth Cards Association | Promoting Youth Participation

The European Youth Cards Association | Promoting Youth Participation

The European Youth Card Association (EYCA) has 40 member organizations in 38 countries. All are committed to promoting youth mobility and active citizenship for young people. EYCA member organizations believe that the young people they work with are not citizens of the future, they are citizens of Europe today and, as such, should be fully involved in decisions and developments that affect them. Member organizations develop and promote participation opportunities for young people – opportunities that give young people the chance to influence their communities, organizations at local and national levels, and what happens in society at large.

Citizens Summit in Defense of Democracy & Freedom | Lusaka, Zambia

Citizens Summit in Defense of Democracy & Freedom | Lusaka, Zambia

State actors and non-state actors alike, including civil society and the private sector, prioritize the effective participation of young people in governance and economic spaces and that young people themselves must continue to actively pursue effective non-tokenistic participation that allows their voices to be heard and integrated into policymaking.

Justifying Meaningful Engagement And Inclusion Of Young People In Political Processes.

Justifying Meaningful Engagement And Inclusion Of Young People In Political Processes.

More transparency, better accountability, and greater responsiveness to the youth demographic are elements young Kenyans yearn for. The Kenyan government is beginning to respond to these demands. To encourage more civic engagement by younger citizens, the government is taking measures through the World Bank's Kenya Accountable Devolution Program (KADP) to incorporate public participatory budgeting into their budget decision-making process. The 2007 general elections highlighted Kenya's failure to engage its youth constituency effectively in political, governance, and electoral processes. Building trust between young people and democratic institutions is critical as young people make up a substantive part of the overall Kenyan population.