“We must not only work for youth - we must work with youth. All of us will gain by doing so.”
Ensuring that young people can go as far as their dreams and hard work is one of the most important things we can do. Your partnership will make it happen. We focus on partners with a large youth-facing footprint or those that aggregate partners to create a large footprint in their areas of focus.
Our partners are so important, and we have accomplished a lot together. They inspire us to keep pushing for pathways of opportunities for youngsters in communities around Africa. Have a look at our full profile.
How we partner
Since its inception, The Youth Café has become the leading pan-African youth organization dedicated to serving as a representative and advocate of the voices and interests of African youth to the relevant decision-making and affiliated bodies.
At the heart of The Youth Cafés operational work lies the notion of partnership. These partnerships with wide-ranging actors, including Member States, international organizations, United Nations, foundations, youth organizations, and civil society, multiply and amplify the impact and relevance of The Youth Café.
The Youth Café emphasizes the role of civil society organizations and grassroots leaders at the local level who share its values and goals and who undertake actions in line with the objectives, rules, and policies of the The Youth Café. The Youth Café also values the participation of private sector entities as full partners in this process. Private sector partnerships through joint initiatives or philanthropic support for social programs can amplify societal impact.
Where our partners are from
“Your partnership is responsible for delivering programs, bringing other partners on board, innovating and providing solutions for implementation challenges.
SOME OF OUR Current aND PAST partners & Supporters
Launched by **CRI** and **UNESCO** on 24 January 2020, the **International Day of Education**, with the mission to "_Inspire & empower learners of all ages to contribute to better futures_”. Aligned with the _17 Sustainable Development Goals_ adopted by the **United Nations**, that can serve as a framework to engage in meaningful projects and work towards a better future, #LearningPlanet focuses on SDG 4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning for all”, the key lever to achieve a profound transformation of our societies in the coming years.
YouthLead.org is designed for young changemakers making a positive impact in their community through service, activism, advocacy, education, and entrepreneurship. Our network members are focused on finding solutions by connecting people, ideas, and resources to tackle critical issues affecting young people at home and around the world.
UN-Habitat’s normative work, including groundbreaking research and capacity-building, sets standards, proposes norms and principles, shares good practice, monitors global progress, and supports formulation of policies related to sustainable cities and human settlements. Through advocacy, communication, and outreach, UN-Habitat mobilizes public, political, and financial support and collaborative action to inspire qualitative change in national development plans, policy frameworks.
The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) is the U.S. government’s signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders. Nearly 1 in 3 Africans are between the ages of 10 and 24, and approximately 60 percent of Africa’s total population is below the age of 35. YALI was launched in 2010 to support young African leaders as they spur growth and prosperity, strengthen democratic governance, and enhance peace and security across sub-Saharan Africa.
The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development is a network of 40 bilateral and multilateral development agencies, international financing institutions, intergovernmental organizations, and foundations.“To enhance the impact of development investments in agriculture, food systems, and rural livelihoods through informed policy and programming”.
The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is a nonpartisan network of 130+ organizations working in 181 countries to end violent conflict and sustain peace. Our members include some of the world’s largest development organizations, most innovative academic institutions, and most influential humanitarian and faith-based groups. We build coalitions in key areas of strategy and policy to elevate the entire peacebuilding field, tackling issues too large for any one organization to address alone.
At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 158 countries with over 250,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at www.pwc.com. PwC is one of Kenya's leading professional services firms focused on providing audit and assurance, advisory and tax services. Our primary strategic goal is to create value for our clients and deliver a competitive advantage to their operations.
UFV is large enough to offer variety, and yet small class sizes allow you to get to know your instructors and learn in a hands-on environment. We offer more than 100 programs, including three master’s degrees, 17 bachelor’s degrees with majors, minors, and extended minors in more than 35 subject areas, four graduate certificates, and more than a dozen trades and technology programs. UFV has campuses and locations in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, and Hope, and a growing presence in Chandigarh, India.
UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. Political and economic arrangements of governments are not enough to secure the lasting and sincere support of the peoples. Peace must be founded upon dialogue and mutual understanding. Peace must be built upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of humanity.
ALU goes above and beyond to provide you with an education like no other. We focus on giving you a holistic experience designed to make you a successful entrepreneur, leader, and a better citizen of the world. ALU has identified several fundamental strategies that make our approach to teaching and learning unique, relevant, and engaging. In an ever-changing world, narrow academic theory quickly loses relevance. Therefore we go beyond just giving you a solid academic grounding.
Our company's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. That's why Search makes it easy to discover a broad range of information from a wide variety of sources. Some information is purely factual, like the height of the Eiffel Tower. For more complex topics, Search is a tool to explore many angles so you can form your own understanding of the world.
The New York Times is dedicated to helping people understand the world through on-the-ground, expert, and deeply reported independent journalism. We seek the truth and help people understand the world. This mission is rooted in our belief that great journalism has the power to make each reader’s life richer and more fulfilling, and all of society stronger and more just.
We may be physically distancing, but the One Young World Community is coming together to support each other. We’re a global community that works, as one, to highlight the work of inspiring leaders and changemakers. One Young World is committed to combating Fake News and so we are connecting our community with experts to help people navigate COVID-19. We are also creating conversations with business leaders and policy professionals to create resources to help everyone mitigate the economic impacts they may be facing.
IREX embraces a people-focused approach to development that invests in human potential and the conditions that help people thrive.IREX works with partners in more than 100 countries in four areas essential to progress: empowering youth, cultivating leaders, strengthening institutions, and extending access to quality education and information. We strive for a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world—where individuals reach their full potential, governments serve their people, and communities thrive.
We make progress toward this by reducing the reach of conflict, preventing the spread of pandemic disease, and counteracting the drivers of violence, instability, transnational crime, and other security threats. We promote American prosperity through investments that expand markets for U.S. exports; create a level playing field for U.S. businesses; and support more stable, resilient, and democratic societies.
Our Challenge approach brings together people from across our community and beyond who are passionate about tackling specific societal issues. Each Challenge starts by convening the best people from (and beyond) our global network; co-creating a solution through an interactive process of engagement and analysis that leads to a valuable output within a clear timeframe of 3 to 9 months; and communicating the outputs in a targeted way.
GiveDirectly is the first — and largest — nonprofit that lets donors like you send money directly to the world’s poorest. We believe people living in poverty deserve the dignity to choose for themselves how best to improve their lives — cash enables that choice. Cash allows individuals to invest in what they need, instead of relying on aid organizations and donors thousands of miles away to choose for them. Isn’t this what you would prefer?
ENGIE Mobisol Kenya works to transform lives through solar technology. We provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy alternatives to unhealthy, environmentally harmful, and expensive fossil fuels used in off-grid communities. Our goal to drive affordable access to energy solutions including appliances and services to millions of households and small businesses –bringing best life to our customers while stimulating economic and social activity as well as contributing to global environmental protection.
We build the power and impact of organizations and leaders around the world who are building a more participatory democracy, through programs such as participatory budgeting, participatory policy-making, participatory planning, and citizen assemblies. We’re like a global union for participatory democracy workers. Our goal is to expand people’s power to make government decisions, by supporting organizations and governments that are building participatory democracy around the world.
We believe in the inherent dignity of all people. But around the world, too many people are excluded from the political, economic, and social institutions that shape their lives. In addressing this reality, we are guided by a vision of social justice—a world in which all individuals, communities, and peoples work toward the protection and full expression of their human rights; are active participants in the decisions that affect them; share equitably in the knowledge, wealth, and resources of society; and are free to achieve their full potential.
Ashoka Young Changemakers are a carefully selected network of young people who have found their power to create change for the good of all, and who are engaging their peers and the entire society in realizing a world where everyone is a changemaker. If you or someone you know fits this description, consider joining our community of leaders.
Instead of tearing down an existing world, we focus on constructing a new one. We do this through a type of peacebuilding called conflict transformation. Meaning: we look to change the everyday interactions between groups of people in conflict, so they can work together to build up their community, choosing joint problem-solving over violence. Our mission is to transform the way the world deals with conflict, away from adversarial approaches, toward cooperative solutions.
We are convinced that the only way to predict the future is to build it. That is why we are more than a company, we a movement of dreamers who use necessity as the greatest source of motivation to give 101% of our potential in each goal that we set for ourselves. We live our dreams as a way of life that makes us wake up every morning with the question. What will I do today to have a better world than yesterday?
The University of Minnesota System is driven by a singular vision of excellence. We are proud of our land-grant mission of world-class education, groundbreaking research, and community-engaged outreach, and we are unified in our drive to serve Minnesota. The flagship of the University of Minnesota System, the Twin Cities campus is Minnesota’s only land-grant university and one of the most prestigious public research universities in the nation.
We bring the voices of young peacebuilders to the attention of international policy-makers, advocating for increased youth participation in peacebuilding and a culture of peace. The focus of our advocacy work is towards the United Nations, as resolutions and policies developed at the UN set a global standard for peace and development. One of the long-term goals of our advocacy work which we achieved in 2015 was the adoption of the UN Security Council resolution 2250 on youth, peace, and security.
ABAAD advocates for the development and implementation of policies and laws that enhance women’s effective participation, through a rights-based approach that would bring about tangible change to gender justice. As a leading agency on gender equality in the MENA region, ABAAD also seeks to support and build the capacities of local, regional and international entities that are working on protection programmes, case management, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), Mental Health & Psychosocial Support and sexualities.
KF learns by exchanging ideas and experiences with people and organizations who are trying to do something in their own communities out of their own self-interest. We believe this is crucial to the integrity of the insight, as well as its sustainability and relevance to others. Kettering learns by offering our insights and arresting questions in exchange for what our partners are observing and learning in public life.
We specialize in immersive, interactive narratives where the user gains a special feeling of personal agency and involvement. Where media is less mediated. It aims to create an alternative for the broken business model of mainstream media, a new model where the quality of attention is understood and monetized. t has developed virtual reality news to put viewers at the heart of action, giving them a sense of agency, and a fresh empathy for current affairs.
TechSoup Kenya is a technology donation and discount programme, implemented by the Kenya Community Development Foundation, with the core aim of responding to the technology requirements of nonprofit organizations, public libraries, and faith-based organizations in Kenya.TechSoup Kenya programme is working to include technology donations and offerings from other leading local and international technology companies.
Sources of income
Become a Partner
The Youth Café works with companies, governments, nonprofits and other organizations to address complex challenges on a worldwide scale. Our partners contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteer power, in-kind support and more are helping build stronger communities for young people. We are thrilled by the opportunity to be partnering with you in the future!
Democracy Labs is a hub for ongoing technology and creative innovation that serves campaigns and organizations at the national, state, and local levels. Their solution, Big Stage Teleprompter has been integrated in The Youth Cafe’s virtual communication platforms.