Policies — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.

The Youth Cafe | Programme Accountability Framework

The Youth Cafe | Programme Accountability Framework

The Youth Cafe seeks to be accountable to all of our stakeholders because we exist to benefit others: Our vision for every youth, life in all its fullness, Our prayer for every heart, and the will to make it so. Our partnership strategy is framed as a ‘promise’ to vulnerable youth that we maximize their well-being and to supporters that we are wise stewards of the resources they entrust to us. We also seek to be mutually accountable to all our partners as we collaborate for greater impact.

The Youth Café By-Laws

The Youth Cafe by laws covers all aspects that affect the organization. This includes what informs its purpose like the strategic plan, youth manifesto and theory of change. Furthermore, It explains how it raises funds for activities and programs and also elaborates how such funds are accounted for through its financial report and audits. The by laws elaborates who is the target population and its membership in its program.

The Youth Cafe 2020 Profile | Positive Youth Development In Africa

The Youth Café is a not-for-profit pan-African youth organization founded in Kenya in 2012 and officially registered in 2014. Since our founding, our strategy has always been to look at today's youth bulge as an opportunity for development and economic growth.

The Youth Cafe Organisational Branding Guidelines

This document is a set of guidelines to help you properly represent The Youth Café to the world. The recommendations and resources in this document are designed to make it easier to communicate our work effectively.