FAQ — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.

At The Youth Café, we act as a bridge between young people and the international system in order to ensure that their right to meaningful participation is realized. We do so by engaging formal and informal communities of young people, in the design, implementation, monitoring, follow-up, and review of sustainable development policies at all levels.

What is The Youth Café (TYC)?

The Youth Café is a multi-award-winning, pan-African youth empowerment organisation.

How was the Youth Café created and how does it get its Mandate?

We have a long history, going back to 2012. The Youth Café receives its mandate from its By Laws, bilateral agreements and/or terms of reference with specific partner entities.

What does the Youth Café do?

We act as a bridge between youth entities/young people (and their organizations) and the international system in order to ensure their right to meaningful participation. To do this effectively, it coordinates and facilitates activities along its eight areas of work.

Why should I engage in the YOUTH CAFé?

Through The Youth Café, you can embark on a journey of impact where the priorities of young people become part of youth-led advocacy and proceedings at the global levels and associated avenues.

Who can engage in the YOUTH CAFé?

Any formal or informal child-led, youth-led and child-and-youth-serving entities in the form of federations, unions, organizations, associations, councils, networks, clubs, movements, mechanisms, structures and other entities can engage by becoming members of The Youth Café.

What if I don't belong to any youth entity?

No problem. Any individual aged 35 or below may engage with The Youth Café through becoming a member and abide to its Rules of Procedure and Code of Conduct.

What is the process to become a member?

Membership in The Youth Café (for entities) and (for individuals) is facilitated through an open process. All members and potential members of The Youth Café must, first and foremost fulfil the following requirements:

  • Agree to adhere to the Process and Procedures of The Youth Café;

  • Agree with the principles of the AU Charter;

  • Agree with the values and principles of The Youth Café as expressed in its Vision - “Towards an equitable and fair society in which young people enjoy full social, economic and political rights through the collective principles of solidarity, justice, equity, inclusion, human rights and the integrity of the planet”.

I meet the requirements. Now what?

The hardest part is over. Now you just need to fill the relevant membership form.

To register as an organization, you need to complete the registration form for entities here.

To register as an individual, you need to complete the registration form here.

Once an eligible entity or individual fills in the respective form, the coordination/admin team processes the application and admits them as members and sends a starter kit with relevant information.

How big is your membership?

We have a constituency of over 60,000 entities in over 170 countries and territories, consulting with over a billion youth.

What is a Working Group?

A Working Group  is the structure that directly facilitates formal participation in respective processes along the The Youth Cafés areas of work. Each process or cluster of processes has a corresponding working group such as the Culture, Arts And Sports; Governance and Political Inclusion (Accountability): Peace and Security, Including Preventing Violent Extremism; Governance and Political Inclusion (Remittances): Education and Skills; Environmental Preservation and Climate Change; Business, Job Creation and Entrepreneurship: and Universal Health Coverage Reform. Each working group is led by a Focal Point (GFP).

Can I register for more than one Working Group?

Yes, any entity or individual can register for as many Working Groups as they want. Each member needs to be registered to at least one Working Group to maintain their membership with The Youth Café.

How mANY timeS do I need to volunteer?

You can volunteer as many times as you would like. Your engagement with The Youth Café depends on the amount of time you put in, so the more time you devote, the more meaningful your engagement will be.

Do I have to pay a fee to join?

No, joining The Youth Café is completely free and no membership fees are required.

I do not speak fluent English. Can I join?

Yes. Basic English is usually required to volunteer, but there are various events that require other languages besides English. However, some opportunities do require fluent spoken English. We try to include language requirements for featured opportunities. Please contact the Admin Team about language requirements if it is not listed in the opportunity description at info@theyouthcafe.com.  

Can I register from any country in the world? Am I able to work in any region I want?

Yes, The Youth Cafés membership spans 176 countries, hosting platforms for dialogue and knowledge-sharing among children and youth and other stakeholders and partners, including intergenerational discussions, to create joint statements and policy positions for each process.

The Youth Café also has a network of Regional Focal Points (RFPs) in 8 regions around the world, who are responsible for regional participation and mobilization for the respective working groups.

Will I have to attend an interview to become a member?

No. Membership in The Youth Café is done through an open process facilitated by the Membership Registration Form. 

Will I get a job with UNMGCY if I join as a member?

Becoming The Youth Café member does not guarantee you a job or an internship with the entity. However, there could be opportunities which may open up through the networks and contacts you establish through your membership.

Does The youth CAFé eight our areas of work cover my transportation, accommodation, or other costs for events, conferences, etc?

This depends on whether an event is funded or not. If an event is funded, interested people nominate themselves then go through ad-hoc, peer selected elections team using GFPs relevant expertise in the process of The Youth Café . Every individual who receives any funding on account of The Youth Café is obliged to write a report on the meeting they received the funding for and share it with The Youth Café Leadership. If an event is not funded, the interested member of The Youth Café needs to cover their transportation, accommodation, and other costs to attend.

How can I get more information about serving The Youth Café board member or other entity leaders?

You can apply to join The Youth Café board members here. For more information about, GFPs, RFPs, and other entity leadership, get in touch with the Admin Team at info@theyouthcafe.com.

If I have concerns about my membership experience, who can I talk to?

If you have any general questions or concerns regarding your membership, please get in touch with the Admin Team at info@theyouthcafe.com. If your question is Working Group-specific, please get in touch with the appropriate GFP.

Can I leave my membership duties at any time?

You can end your membership with The Youth Café by submitting the Membership Exit Form. Unsubscribing from all emails from The Youth Café signifies the end of your membership with The Youth Café, and unsubscribing from specific mailing lists signifies the end of your membership with that particular Working Group.  

What if I want to change my working group or leave a working group?

You can end your membership with certain Working Group by submitting the Membership Exit Form. Select the Working Group mailing list you wish to unsubscribe from and that will end your membership with that particular Working Group.  

If you would like to join and subscribe to a new Working Group, please send the Admin Team your request at info@theyouthcafe.com.

How do I change my contact information with the youth café ?

To make any changes to your contact information, please send the Admin Team your request at info@theyouthcafe.com.

How do I subscribe, unsubscribe or change my e-mail address on the members-only listserv?

You can unsubscribe by submitting the Membership Exit Form. Unsubscribing from all emails from The Youth Café signifies the end of your membership with The Youth Café, and unsubscribing from specific mailing lists signifies the end of your membership with that particular Working Group.  

I am receiving emails from UNMGCY; how did I get on the list?

When you join The Youth Café as a member, you are added to an entity-wide list as well as on each of your Working Groups’ email list to facilitate your engagement with The Youth Café and to share youth-related and entity updates.

What if I have membership questions not answered in the FAQs?

If you have any other questions or concerns not answered here, please reach out to the Admin Team at info@theyouthcafe.com.