project secretariat — Publications And Practical Tools On Positive Youth Development — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.

project secretariat

The Youth Cafés 2021 Annual Impact Report.

The Youth Cafés 2021 Annual Impact Report.

The Youth Café is proud to share the eighth Impact Report produced based on the Social Return on Investment methodology. The average Social Return on Investment ratio for The Youth Café is 1:12, meaning that an investment of $1 delivers $12 value in terms of positive social impact. The present report outlines the main activities and projects carried out by The Youth Café from January to December 2021.

The Kenyan Youth Manifesto | Youth Development Agenda

The  Kenyan Youth Manifesto |  Youth Development Agenda

Being the product of an elaborate deliberative process involving young people. Building on national constitutions, Regional Economic Communities, National Youth Policies, Youth Charter to unveil a foundational document to frame the youth development agenda.