
New WHO Civil Society Commission | Strengthening Civil Society Organizations’ Role In Accelerating Progress In Global Health

New WHO Civil Society Commission | Strengthening Civil Society Organizations’ Role In Accelerating Progress In Global Health

WHO launched the WHO Civil Society Commission and held the inaugural meeting of its Steering Committee in Geneva today. The Youth Cafe is excited to be represented in the distinguished Committee by its Executive Director, Willice Onyango.

Collaborative Futures Workshop | How New Technologies Can Support Social Justice Organizations In East Africa.

Collaborative Futures Workshop | How New Technologies Can Support Social Justice Organizations In East Africa.

The Youth Café was invited for a 3-day Collaborative Futures Workshop, which is a hybrid hackathon and fellowship designed to help you, and fellow social justice organizations and leaders envision ways that emerging creative technology can expand your impact, understand how new technologies will shape your work and how we can change these technologies, and learn how to act on this knowledge in partnership with East Africa's boldest creatives and technologists using a Do It Yourself (DIY) ethos and active collaboration.

Digital Media Literacy Focus Group Discussions

Digital Media Literacy Focus Group Discussions

Collecting in-depth qualitative data to get insightful perspectives and understanding digital media literacy in Kenya. Media literacy is a tool to prepare future generations to combat the rising tide of information warfare. A thorough fact-checking process that delineates disinformation, misinformation and teaches to differentiate between clickbait, satire, pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and other content on the internet is necessary.

Lockdown Live! | Finding Youth-Led Solutions To COVID-19 | The Youth Cafe

Lockdown Live! | Finding Youth-Led Solutions To COVID-19 | The Youth Cafe

A new series of events aimed at bringing together students situated on two different continents is set to begin next month, with the aim of discussing the current Covid-19 global crisis.

Addressing Skills Mismatch in Skills For The Youth | The Youth Cafe

Addressing Skills Mismatch in Skills For The Youth | The Youth Cafe

The second day of the 2019 African Economic Conference, exploring ways to create jobs for Africa’s youth,  focused on the youth skills gap issue across the continent.

Impact of the Global Compact on Communities | The Youth Cafe

Impact of the Global Compact on Communities | The Youth Cafe

According to UNICEF, the world population is expected to reach 8 billion by 2025. In less than a decade, the sustainability of the next billion will be a task for the current generation of youth to address. While middle-high income countries are experiencing low fertility rates, aging populations, and a declining workforce capable of supporting the growing dependency load, low-middle income countries are continuing to experience high fertility rates (though it is now just entering decline), and a significant youth population which is comparatively larger than the other age groups. Countries are opting to either maintain or raise their capacity for immigrants to address aging populations, a trend that is increasing all across the board.  As this is the case, labour migration is projected to continue as a major response to these demographic trends.