Perspectives Blog — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.

Worrying Patterns of Abductions And Enforced Disappearances in Kenya

Worrying Patterns  of Abductions And Enforced Disappearances in Kenya

There have been thirteen (13) more cases of abductions or enforced disappearances in the last three (3) months bringing to eight-two (82) the total cases since June 2024. Seven (7) of the recent abduction cases were reported in the month of December 2024 with six (6) of them still missing, bringing to twenty-nine (29) the total number of persons still missing since June 2024.

Statement On The Protests Against Enforced Disappearances And Abductions in Kenya

Statement On The Protests Against Enforced Disappearances And Abductions in Kenya

The Youth Cafe would like to commend protestors for the peaceful manner in which they conducted themselves during the demonstrations. Protestors generally conducted themselves with restraint despite the provocation, arrests and brutality meted by the police officers who lobbed teargas to disperse peaceful demonstrators

Global Digital Public Infrastructure Summit Outcome Statement | Contribute To The Digital Transformation Journeys

Global Digital Public Infrastructure  Summit Outcome Statement | Contribute To The Digital Transformation Journeys

The Global DPI Summit, hosted in Cairo, Egypt from 1-3 October 2024, brought together representatives from more than 100 countries with diverse stakeholders from the public sector, private industry, and civil society to create a fertile ground for dialogue, knowledge exchange, and collaborations. The Summit focused on the powerful impact of safe and inclusive implementations of digital public infrastructure (DPI) to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Unconstitutional Changes Of Government In Africa | Africa Governance Report 2023 Key Findings And Recommendations

  Unconstitutional  Changes Of Government  In Africa | Africa Governance Report 2023 Key Findings  And Recommendations

Unconstitutional changes of government are an overthrow of a constitutionally elected government. Therefore, elections are an integral aspect of the definition of UCG. Defined under article 23 of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance, in universal terms, are determined as having to be conducted with integrity if it is based on the democratic principles of universal suffrage and political equality as reflected in international standards and national constitutional and legal frameworks in which the freeness and fairness of the process are guaranteed. Its management must also reflect that constitutional and legal imperative and respect for human rights such as freedom to form political parties, freedoms of expression, association, and of the press among others.

Africa Continental Framework For Youth, Peace And Security | Strengthening The Capacity Of Young People In Peacebuilding And Conflict Prevention

Africa Continental Framework For Youth, Peace And Security | Strengthening The Capacity Of Young People In Peacebuilding And Conflict Prevention

It is incontrovertible that the peace and security challenges experienced in Africa from the 1990s put continental and international attention on the key roles played by young men and women in episodes of armed conflict and insecurity. Successive wars and violations of formal peace agreements and processes across the continent further heightened the attention and concern of policy institutions to the participation of youth in armed conflicts and violence. Across the divide, young people continue to constitute the core of combatants, while also representing a significant number of those affected by armed conflicts, violent extremism, banditry, violent protests and gender-based violence in Africa. For instance, in addition to disruption of education and youth-sensitive socio-economic activities, “estimates of direct conflict deaths in 2015 suggest that more than 90 percent of all casualties involved young males.”

Rio Declaration On Non Formal Education | World Non Formal Education Forum

Rio Declaration On Non Formal Education | World Non Formal Education Forum

In today’s rapidly changing societies and economies, skill requirements for life and work have to be constantly updated. In view of this, the education system and other actors are increasingly providing learners with relevant lifelong learning opportunities in which NFE plays a major role. Furthermore, NFE methodologies are being adopted to improve the delivery of formal education.

Joint Position Statement On Non-Formal Education | Education And Learning Dimensions Of Young People’s Lives.

Joint Position Statement On Non-Formal Education |  Education And Learning Dimensions Of Young People’s Lives.

Today, it is increasingly accepted that formal education is not the only essential form of education. However, there needs to be a stronger balance between the different education and learning dimensions of young people’s lives. Non-formal education, which is best suited to help young people build up their talents, resilience and prepare them to cope with social changes, is often underestimated. Without proper recognition, its benefits for young people and communities are not reaching their full potential.

Press Statement | Defending the Vital Role of Civil Society Organizations in Kenya

Press Statement | Defending the Vital Role of Civil Society Organizations in Kenya

For decades, Civil Society Organizations in Kenya have been the backbone of our nation, tirelessly safeguarding democratic values and principles, amplifying the voices of vulnerable communities, promoting transparency and accountability, and ensuring the rights of all Kenyans are upheld. Their contributions have been instrumental in our nation's growth and stability, and their efforts have consistently upheld the principles of justice and democracy.