Unconstitutional changes of government are an overthrow of a constitutionally elected government. Therefore, elections are an integral aspect of the definition of UCG. Defined under article 23 of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance, in universal terms, are determined as having to be conducted with integrity if it is based on the democratic principles of universal suffrage and political equality as reflected in international standards and national constitutional and legal frameworks in which the freeness and fairness of the process are guaranteed. Its management must also reflect that constitutional and legal imperative and respect for human rights such as freedom to form political parties, freedoms of expression, association, and of the press among others.
The DAC defines official development assistance (ODA) as “government aid that promotes and specifically targets the economic development and welfare of developing countries.” Understanding of this definition has changed over time, recognising, for example, the emergence of “non-DAC providers or philanthropic foundations, the diversification of financial instruments for development, or the increasing overlap of development cooperation policy objectives with those of other sectors such as migration and security.”
We commit to achieving a world in which humanity lives in harmony with nature, to conserving and sustainably using our planet’s marine and terrestrial resources, including through sustainable lifestyles, and sustainable consumption and production, to reversing the trends of environmental degradation, to promoting resilience, to reducing disaster risk, and to halting ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss. We will conserve and sustainably use oceans and seas, freshwater resources, as well as forests, mountains and dry lands and protect biodiversity, ecosystems and wildlife.
We, the Heads of State and Government, representing the world's people, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters to take action to safeguard the future for present and coming generations. We are at a moment of acute global peril. Across our world, people are suffering from the effects of poverty, hunger, inequality, armed conflicts, violence, displacement, terrorism, climate change, disease, and the adverse impacts of technology. Humanity faces a range of potentially catastrophic and existential risks. We are also at a moment of opportunity, where advances in knowledge and technology, properly managed, could deliver a better future for all.
Let’s All Unite To End Violence During COVID-19 And Beyond
Violence against women and girls is a global human rights challenge. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed this issue as a global emergency requiring urgent action at all levels, in all spaces and by all people. Today we will hear from the Member States about just some of these promising practices, ranging from funding and support for critical services and innovative justice sector responses to awareness campaigns that challenge harmful gender stereotypes and norms.
Thinking Of Leading A YALILearns Session? Keep These Five Tips In Mind.
“I found that the topic sparked critical thinking and engagement among my participants,” Josaphat says. And though his was an in-person session, a virtual YALILearns webinar would work just as well, especially with stay-at-home orders in place.“My favorite part of the session was listening to the different businesses that these participants have and how they maintain them.I learned that any business can sustain you as long as you are passionate about what you do.”