quality education — Perspectives Blog — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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quality education

Joint Position Statement On Non-Formal Education | Education And Learning Dimensions Of Young People’s Lives.

Joint Position Statement On Non-Formal Education |  Education And Learning Dimensions Of Young People’s Lives.

Today, it is increasingly accepted that formal education is not the only essential form of education. However, there needs to be a stronger balance between the different education and learning dimensions of young people’s lives. Non-formal education, which is best suited to help young people build up their talents, resilience and prepare them to cope with social changes, is often underestimated. Without proper recognition, its benefits for young people and communities are not reaching their full potential.



We commit to achieving a world in which humanity lives in harmony with nature, to conserving and sustainably using our planet’s marine and terrestrial resources, including through sustainable lifestyles, and sustainable consumption and production, to reversing the trends of environmental degradation, to promoting resilience, to reducing disaster risk, and to halting ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss. We will conserve and sustainably use oceans and seas, freshwater resources, as well as forests, mountains and dry lands and protect biodiversity, ecosystems and wildlife.