On the occasion of the first Health Day at the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), they expressed their grave concerns about the negative impacts of climate change on health. We stress the importance of addressing the interactions between climate change and human health and well-being in the context of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement as the primary international, intergovernmental fora for the global response to climate change.
The High-Level Global Conference On Youth-Inclusive Peace process | The Youth Café.
The High-Level Global Conference on Youth-Inclusive Peace Process was held virtually on 20-21 January 2022, co-hosted by Qatar, Finland, and Colombia, and co-organized with civil society and UN partners. It began with a Youth Pre-Event on 19 January 2022, leading up to the Global Conference on 20-21 January 2022. The high-level conference aimed to secure national commitments to advance the country-level operationalization of the Youth Peace Security agenda and strengthen political will and commitment to including youth in peace processes. Interactive and action-oriented discussions convened across five themes building on the Youth Peace Security agenda between Heads of State and other High-Level Government representatives, young peacebuilders, and representatives of intergovernmental organizations, CSOs, academia, and donors.
The Youth Café At The Voluntary National Review-Voluntary Local Review Workshop.
Voluntary National Review is a strategy based on the 2030 Agenda: Member states to "conduct regular and inclusive reviews of progress at the national and sub-national levels, which are country-led and country-driven. Like the 2030 Agenda of participation, The Youth Café strives for global connection, has reached over 72 countries, and is a local and national rope for achieving goals. The Youth Cafés principles are a call to action for governments, civil societies, private and public sectors, bi- and multilateral, and knowledge institutions. To invest in mutual prospects and work in partnership for sustainable development.
How Might We Meaningfully Engage Youth in the Intergovernmental Energy Space
It is clear that in order to ensure a rapid and equitable energy transition, the youth must be a key group involved in planning, decision making, and implementation. This summary lays out the main points of the white paper on meaningful youth engagement in the events and processes in the intergovernmental energy space. The recommendations are built upon the principles and barriers for meaningful youth engagement developed through consultative processes by The Youth Cafe. This document was developed by the SDG7 Youth Constituency (SDG7 YC), which is the formal and dedicated youth engagement mechanism in UN sustainable development processes focused on energy. It is associated with The Youth Cafe. It also promotes youth engagement in other energy-related initiatives in the multilateral system.