The High-Level Global Conference on Youth-Inclusive Peace Process was held virtually on 20-21 January 2022, co-hosted by Qatar, Finland, and Colombia, and co-organized with civil society and UN partners. It began with a Youth Pre-Event on 19 January 2022, leading up to the Global Conference on 20-21 January 2022. The high-level conference aimed to secure national commitments to advance the country-level operationalization of the Youth Peace Security agenda and strengthen political will and commitment to including youth in peace processes. Interactive and action-oriented discussions convened across five themes building on the Youth Peace Security agenda between Heads of State and other High-Level Government representatives, young peacebuilders, and representatives of intergovernmental organizations, CSOs, academia, and donors.
Youth-Led Gender Activism Towards Inclusive Peace-Building
Young women are at the intersection of these two agendas and should therefore be actively engaged in the conversations surrounding peace-building, peace-negotiations, and peace-keeping. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the role of young people in furthering gender activism. Young women have particularly been previously excluded as ‘youth’ has been translated as ‘young men’ in the context of war, conflicts, and peace-building.