talks — Perspectives Blog — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.


How Might We Meaningfully Engage Youth in the Intergovernmental Energy Space

It is clear that in order to ensure a rapid and equitable energy transition, the youth must be a key group involved in planning, decision making, and implementation. This summary lays out the main points of the white paper on meaningful youth engagement in the events and processes in the intergovernmental energy space. The recommendations are built upon the principles and barriers for meaningful youth engagement developed through consultative processes by The Youth Cafe. This document was developed by the SDG7 Youth Constituency (SDG7 YC), which is the formal and dedicated youth engagement mechanism in UN sustainable development processes focused on energy. It is associated with The Youth Cafe. It also promotes youth engagement in other energy-related initiatives in the multilateral system.