Promoting Entrepreneurship Among African Youth

Promoting Entrepreneurship Among African Youth

Acknowledging the importance of investing in and creating space and opportunities for young people for them to realize their full potential, The Youth Cafe has proposed several initiatives geared towards youth empowerment. The AU Agenda 2063 recognises the need to do this as a prerequisite for achieving the socio-economic transformation of Africa. This initiative is aimed at reaching millions of youth from across the continent with opportunities and interventions in key areas of employment, entrepreneurship, education and engagement.

Promoting A Better Food Future | World Food Forum

Promoting A Better Food Future | World Food Forum

Over the past years, there has been an explosion of interest in the role of youth in food and agriculture systems. Youth have seized this opportunity, and many diverse youth groups have published political position statements on a variety of global food and agricultural governance topics. This compendium aims to analytically summarize youth calls to action in 2020 and 2021 around food and agricultural systems topics.

Citizens Summit in Defense of Democracy & Freedom | Lusaka, Zambia

Citizens Summit in Defense of Democracy & Freedom | Lusaka, Zambia

State actors and non-state actors alike, including civil society and the private sector, prioritize the effective participation of young people in governance and economic spaces and that young people themselves must continue to actively pursue effective non-tokenistic participation that allows their voices to be heard and integrated into policymaking.

Promoting Youth Engagement and Employment in Agriculture and Food Systems

Promoting Youth Engagement and  Employment in Agriculture and Food Systems

Unemployment rates for youth are three times higher than for adults in all world regions, and a vast majority of unemployed youth are young women. Among people who do have jobs, youth have a higher incidence of working poverty and vulnerable employment than adults. Youth also face serious barriers in accessing land, credit, and other productive assets for establishing their own livelihoods, and many young people

Policy Guide on Youth Entrepreneurship

Policy Guide on Youth Entrepreneurship

Effective entrepreneurship education is key to ensuring that young people acquire the competencies and skills they need to pursue entrepreneurship and lay the groundwork for developing a culture of entrepreneurship. Concerted efforts are being made to integrate entrepreneurship education within and across regions. UNCTAD’s Empretec programme introduces entrepreneurship to young people, as do other UN programmes

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | Youth Forum DeclarationUNC

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | Youth Forum DeclarationUNC

Youth participants selected five topics they deemed to be the most crucial to young people to address at this point in time, namely, inclusive social and economic development, new economies, climate action, inclusive and equitable learning, and youth civic participation. Under each of these areas, suggestions and policy recommendations

Youth 2030 | Working With And For Young People

Youth 2030 | Working With And For Young People

Young people constitute a tremendous and essential asset worth investing in, opening the door to an unparalleled multiplier effect. At the same time, young people are also facing incredible challenges and even life-threatening risks, disproportionately carried by girls and young women in many parts of the world.