solution-oriented model — Publications And Practical Tools On Positive Youth Development — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.

solution-oriented model

Sexual Harassment, Exploitation And Abuse (SHEA) At Work Policy

Sexual Harassment, Exploitation And Abuse (SHEA) At Work Policy

This policy aims to ensure that TYC provides a safe working environment that is free from sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse and upholds the rights and dignity of all. TYC is committed to preventing and responding robustly to any form of sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse in the workplace carried out by any member of the TYC representative.

Sexual Harassment, Exploitation, And Abuse (SHEA) And Other Safeguarding Concerns Overarching Policy

Sexual Harassment, Exploitation, And Abuse (SHEA) And Other Safeguarding Concerns Overarching Policy

The Youth Cafe is committed to preventing any form of sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse (including child abuse and adult at-risk abuse) and responding robustly when these harms occur. SHEA and Safeguarding incidents are rooted in an imbalance of power, particularly gendered and sexualized abuses of power. Safeguarding refers to the policies and processes an organization puts in place to prevent and respond to harm by staff or those working on our behalf. TYC’s SHEA and Safeguarding policies sit under the AAI Code of Conduct and are informed by and reinforce TYC’s feminist leadership approach.