Reflections On The UN Commemoration Of Beijing+25

Reflections On The UN Commemoration Of Beijing+25

We have insisted decades ago, precisely in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, that gender equality and women’s human rights are not meant to be conceived as only as a national issue. Rather, a full understanding of what it means to mainstream gender equality at the core of every actions requires us to center our attention on global macro and structural measures. This is perhaps where Member States have a glaring debt in the face of their international commitments in relation to women’s human rights

Intergenerational Co-Leadership For Global Governance Innovation

Intergenerational Co-Leadership For Global Governance Innovation

At a time when the world’s fate hinges on effective global and regional cooperation, young people are showing remarkable support for global and regional systems rooted in solidarity, cooperation, justice, and human rights. From making viral the Chilean anti-rape anthem calling against gender violence and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement against racism to, most recently, leading a social movement (#EndSARS) against police brutality in Nigeria, youth mobilization is at an all-time high.

The Building Bridges Initiative(BBI) | Is There Anything New For Kenyan Youth?

The Building Bridges Initiative(BBI) | Is There Anything New For Kenyan Youth?

The theme of inclusivity as a justification of the BBI process featured some of the concerns of the young people in Kenya through selected representatives. Inadequate job opportunities, stringent barriers to entry into employment, and business, among others, are some of the issues raised as the causes of the widening gap of exclusion of the younger generation. On the other hand, the theme of shared prosperity suggested that the most pressing hindrance to intra-generational equity in Kenya is the lack of capacity to generate sufficient jobs and employment for the youth

International Day Of Peace Article Series

International Day Of Peace Article Series

This year’s commemoration of Peace Day is special as the universe is grappling with a common enemy: the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused a switch in the manner in which the globe operates as it has shown the world that we are not really not each other’s enemies, and we must unite to battle against the common enemy that is the global pandemic. The theme for this year’s Peace Day is ‘Shaping Peace Together’ and the UN invited the world to spread compassion, kindness, and hope in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Youth-Inclusion In The ‘Silencing The Gun’ Initiative Of The African Union (A.U)

Youth-Inclusion In The ‘Silencing The Gun’ Initiative Of The African Union (A.U)

The growing momentum for the push towards inclusive peace and security matters by the United Nations marked through the passing of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2050 on Youth, Peace, and Security in 2015, has seen the efforts in Africa to include young people in the ‘Silencing the Guns’ initiative. The UNSCR 2050 affirms the positive role young men and women play in maintaining and promoting international peace and security and in building and advancing peace and security in their own countries.

The Youth Cafe And The US-Youth, Peace And Security Coalition

The Youth Cafe And The US-Youth, Peace And Security Coalition

The mission of the global Coalition is to provide comprehensive guidance direction and support on youth, peace and security with the overarching goal of execution of the UNSCR 2250 guidelines into practice and to improve and amplify evidence-based practice, support and advocate for young people’s meaningful participation in peace and security efforts globally and locally. The Coalition started out as the Working Group on Youth and Peace Building in 2012.

Youth-Led Gender Activism Towards Inclusive Peace-Building

Youth-Led Gender Activism Towards Inclusive Peace-Building

Young women are at the intersection of these two agendas and should therefore be actively engaged in the conversations surrounding peace-building, peace-negotiations, and peace-keeping. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the role of young people in furthering gender activism. Young women have particularly been previously excluded as ‘youth’ has been translated as ‘young men’ in the context of war, conflicts, and peace-building.

Why Is International Youth Day Important?

Why Is International Youth Day Important?

How do we shift our systems and mechanisms for the opportunity to support youth post-pandemic? There is a lot of collaboration and information sharing among young people and between countries. There is a borderless quality to youth engagement and activity going on right now that is exciting and offers a lot of potentials. Even though we're experiencing a pandemic, there is so much room for youth and PYD, for youth to step up and lead and articulate what kind of future they want. We need to keep this momentum going.

Press Statement : ‘Persons With Disabilities Demand Retention And Enhancement Of Rights As Protected Under The 2010 Constitution’

Press Statement : ‘Persons With Disabilities Demand Retention And Enhancement  Of Rights As Protected Under The 2010 Constitution’

The Constitution protects all Kenyans from discrimination. Article 10 stipulates human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, non-discrimination, and protection of the marginalized as national values and principles of governance. Articles 97 and 98 make express provisions for the representation of persons with disabilities in the National Assembly and Senate. The County Assemblies similarly include legislators with disabilities, pursuant to Article 177 of the Constitution.

Kenya Citizens Need Fair Access And Equitable Allocation Of COVID-19 Diagnostic Tools.

Kenya Citizens Need Fair Access And Equitable Allocation Of COVID-19 Diagnostic Tools.

The right to health is a fundamental human right guaranteed in the Constitution of Kenya. Article 43 (1) (a) of the Constitution provides that every person has the right to the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to health care services, including diagnostics. Till now there are no effective treatments and cures for COVID 19 and Kenya has resorted to public health and social measures such as physical distancing and quarantine to contain the spread of the causative virus SARS-CoV-2