Following a dynamic first day that explored critical themes such as youth engagement in digital governance, economic inclusion, and the role of young parliamentarians, the second day of the workshop began with a recap of day one. Oliver Mshillah welcomed participants and Youla Nzale encouraged them to share insights from the previous day.
Advocacy Workshop Day One | Youth Leaders Discuss Why Democracy Tomorrow Means Climate Action Today
The 2-day advocacy workshop was designed to be a hybrid event, offering both in-person and virtual participation options. The physical event was be hosted in Nairobi, Kenya, providing an opportunity for direct engagement and collaboration. The hybrid format enabled the inclusion of a broader audience, reaching youth, young women, and youth networks globally. The first day of the workshop marks a crucial step in the journey towards equipping young advocates with the necessary resources to drive meaningful change.
Silencing The Guns | Create A Conducive Environment For Development | The Youth Cafe
Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa's Development and Intensifying the Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic was the theme for Africa Day by AU. The AU Office of the Youth Envoy, in partnership with the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa to the United Nations for an Africa Day celebration held a special virtual Intergenerational Dialogue on Youth Silencing The Guns.