Activists, Campaigners, Unionists, Journalists: Free Twitter Power Boot Camp coming up to build people power. The Youth Café is supporting Social Movement Technologies, Africans Rising, Girls First Network from Africa and Laudato Si’ Movement to promote the Twitter Power Boot Camp for Activists and Campaigners waging justice against big adversaries and journalists across the world.
The Youth Cafe And The US-Youth, Peace And Security Coalition
The Youth Café, committing to the UN Youth, Peace and Security agenda, recently became a member of the United States-Youth Peace and Security Coalition (US-YPS), co-led by Search for Common Ground and the Alliance for Peacebuilding. The Coalition is part of the larger Global Coalition on Youth, Peace and Security which consists of an amalgam of civil society organizations, including youth-led and youth-serving ones like The Youth Café, UN entities, donors, academia and inter-governmental bodies.