
4th Africa - Europe Youth Summit | Abidjan Youth Declaration X AU-EU Youth Plug-In Initiative Youth Agenda

4th Africa - Europe Youth Summit | Abidjan Youth Declaration X AU-EU Youth Plug-In Initiative Youth Agenda

The discussions during the AU-EU Summit were on 6 priority thematics: Business, Job Creation and Entrepreneurship; Education and Skills; Peace and Security; Governance and Political Inclusion; Climate and Environmental Preservation; and Culture, Sports and Arts, including 3 cross-cutting issues (gender equality, migration and digitalisation). The recommendations from the Youth Summit will provide inspiration and hopefully direction for the Africa-EU partnership in the years to come. The Youth Café fully supports the AU-EU Summit.

Strengthening Youth Livelihoods And Enterprise Innovation In Africa’s Digital Era

Strengthening Youth Livelihoods And Enterprise Innovation In Africa’s Digital Era

The Youth Café has cross-published this report in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). This publication is the second of two to explore the findings and insights from an online global consultation, held in July 2020, exploring young Africans’ use of digital technologies in different areas in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. More specifically, this paper discusses the topics of the second day of the consultation, when participants delved into employment in the gig economy, business and tech innovation, and financial inclusion.

Advancing Youth-centred Digital Ecosystems In Africa In A Post-Covid-19 World

Advancing Youth-centred Digital Ecosystems In Africa In A Post-Covid-19 World

The Youth Café has cross-published this report in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). This publication is the first of two to explore the findings and insights from an online global consultation, held in July 2020, exploring young Africans’ use of digital technologies in different areas in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.

Trade In the Digital Economy: A Tralac Collection

Trade In the Digital Economy: A Tralac Collection

The wheels of international trade are powered by the Internet. From the smallest informal trade to a major supply agreement, contracts are transacted online; whether via email, e-commerce store, or digital platform. Any formal trade relies on the Internet for implementation – financing, documentation, and logistics are all digitally driven, and becoming more and more so. Whether it is an emailed order, an online purchase, or merely the financial arrangements behind the transaction, the Internet will inevitably be used in conducting international trade.