Youths during the event
We, the participants of the second High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, are committed to practical development cooperation to achieve the universal and inter-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We met in Nairobi, Kenya, on 28 November-1 December 2016 to reaffirm the spirit of partnership in which we recognized our unity of purpose, interdependence and respective responsibilities.
We believe that practical development cooperation can arise from inclusion, trust and innovation, founded on respect by all partners for using national strategies and country results frameworks.
The universality of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development means that the donor-recipient relationships of the past have been replaced by approaches that view all stakeholders as equal and interdependent partners in development. The Global Partnership champions this approach and seeks to maximize the effectiveness and impact of all forms of cooperation for development. We do this in partnership to achieve the broad vision of increased well-being for people and the planet, prosperity and peace.
Our vision is consistent with agreed international commitments on environmental sustainability, human rights, decent work, gender equality and eliminating all forms of discrimination.
Our Monitoring Framework is a unique instrument for mutual accountability. We will continue to use it to monitor the implementation of our commitments through country-led and country-based processes. This monitoring will contribute directly to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum follow-up and review of the performance of the SDGs. We will evolve and strengthen our monitoring to deepen mutual learning, mutual benefit, and accountability.
To deliver on this vision, we will collectively and individually take urgent action in line with the Busan Principles, applicable to all partners – ownership of development priorities by developing countries, a focus on results, inclusive development partnerships and transparency and accountability.
We embrace the diversity that underpins our partnership and recognize the complementary contributions of all stakeholders. While our principles and commitments are common to all members of the Global Partnership, each partner will deliver on its respective obligations specific to their constituency.
We reaffirm all previous commitments made in Rome (2003), Paris (2005), Accra (2008), Busan (2011) and the first High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation in Mexico City (2014). We commit to energize the implementation of these commitments with a pledge of leaving no one behind.
To accelerate progress in our joint commitments, we will strengthen the country's ownership of development priorities. We will:
a. work with parliaments to improve their scrutiny of all development cooperation; we will empower local governments to localize the SDGs and support communities to interact with them;
b. develop and support transparent, accountable and inclusive national development strategies and encourage alignment of all partners to those strategies where feasible; and
c. strengthen and use country systems, improve harmonization by providers of development cooperation, and support the inclusion of the local business sector and civil society in procurement processes.
To strengthen the focus on results, we will:
a. further develop, support and use country-level results frameworks; progressively adapt results frameworks to reflect the targets and indicators of the SDGs; and make data on results publicly available; and
b. further develop, support and use national statistical systems and generate disaggregated data to report on progress.
To promote inclusive development partnerships, we will:
a. increase our efforts to ensure an enabling environment for all partners, including parliaments, local governments, civil society, the business sector, philanthropy and trade unions, and support country-level platforms for collaboration;
b. foster enabling policy environments for the business sector to support responsible, inclusive and sustainable business practices; and support structured dialogue and partnership to promote these approaches;
c. support civil society in playing its full role as an independent development actor in its own right, ensuring its operations are as effective as possible, and
d. work with philanthropy to maximize its specific contribution to sustainable development, including through public-philanthropic partnerships.
To strengthen transparency and accountability to each other, we will:
a. improve publication of open data on development cooperation and support the use of this data by all relevant stakeholders;
b. update mutual accountability arrangements at the country level to include all relevant development partners inclusively and transparently;
c. improve the capacity of local authorities and parliaments to provide transparent information to citizens on the use of resources; and
d. support the business sector to adopt transparent and accountable management systems of public and private funds and to account for its value chain's social, environmental and economic impacts.
We are committed to ensuring that the development process and development cooperation leaves no one behind.
We will invest in science, technology and innovation to drive practical development cooperation.
We will support fragile and conflict-affected countries in accessing the resources and partnerships needed to advance specific development priorities. Building on the New Deal for Engagement in the Fragile States, we will work to enhance engagement between development, peacebuilding, security and humanitarian partners and efforts. We will promote peer learning between fragile and conflict-affected environments.
We recognize that women’s and girls’ rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are both stand-alone goals and a cross-cutting issue to achieving sustainable development. We will accelerate efforts to achieve these aims by deepening multi-stakeholder partnerships and tracking resource allocations for these endeavours, strengthening capacity for gender-responsive budgeting and planning, and increasing the participation of women’s organizations in partnerships for development.
We reiterate our commitment to invest in the development of children and youth. We will urgently improve reporting on child-focused development cooperation and domestic resources and strengthen the capacity for youth to participate in accountability exercises.
We recognize the issues facing Middle-Income Countries (MICs) and will ensure that development cooperation addresses these. We will also promote effective South-South Cooperation and Triangular Co-operation.
In the spirit of partnership, we will further improve our ways of working together and offer a voice to all stakeholders. To do so, we will:
a. broaden our partnership to include all interested stakeholders;
b. support practical cooperation at the country level, including through inclusive country-level partnerships;
c. improve the practical utility of regional mechanisms and platforms and better use the experience of Global Partnership Initiatives;
d. place demand-driven knowledge sharing and learning at the heart of our work, including through bringing together communities of practice to find solutions to specific challenges and
e. continue to update our governance arrangements to ensure that all partners are heard and can steer the work of the Global Partnership.