The Youth Café Speaks At The 7th Annual Devolution Conference | Prevention And Management Of Conflict Breakaway Session

The Youth Café Speaks At The 7th Annual Devolution Conference | Prevention And Management Of Conflict Breakaway Session

The Youth Café was honored to be invited to attend and speak as a panelist at the 7th annual Devolution Conference held from 23rd to 26th November, 2021 in Makueni County. The Executive Director of The Youth Café, Willice Onyango spoke at the Prevention and management of conflict breakaway session whose theme was “Prevention and Management of Climate Change Instigated Conflicts: Collaborative Responses”.

Statement By African Major Groups And Stakeholders To COP 26/CMP16/CMA3

Statement By African Major Groups And Stakeholders To COP 26/CMP16/CMA3

During the global COP26 conference held in Glasgow from 31 October to 13 November, African Major Groups And Stakeholders delivered a statement voicing their support, doubts, concerns and hopes for the future of climate action in Africa and Globally. The Youth Café as a pan-African youth-led and youth-serving organization, fully support the contents of this statement.

Statement Of The Chairperson Of The African Union Commission On The Occasion Of Africa Youth Day

Statement Of The Chairperson Of The African Union Commission On The Occasion Of Africa Youth Day

On the 1st of November, The Youth Café and the African Union Commission celebrated African Youth Day. The Chairperson Of The African Union Commission, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, delivered an inspiring statement on the importance of investing in African Youth to create the Africa We want.

Pandora Papers | The Secret Offshore World Of Kenya’s First Family

Pandora Papers | The Secret Offshore World Of Kenya’s First Family

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s family, the political dynasty that has dominated Kenyan politics since independence, for many years secretly owned a web of offshore companies in Panama and the British Virgin Islands, according to a new leak of documents known as the Pandora Papers. This article outlines findings from an investigation done by Finance Uncovered.

The Role of Youth In Peacebuilding And Conflict Resolution

The Role of Youth In Peacebuilding And Conflict Resolution

The youth, products of their communities, are key agents of peacebuilding, especially those who have experienced conflict firsthand. These young people have key roles to play in peace processes since they have a clear vision of what peace could look like in their countries and communities and have the drive to work towards the realisation of these goals.

Keynote Address By Samuel Kimeu | TYC Anticorruption Photo And Video Contest Award Ceremony

Keynote Address By Samuel Kimeu | TYC Anticorruption Photo And Video Contest Award Ceremony

On the 23rd of September, 2021, The Youth Café held a virtual award ceremony for the photo/video contest. This photo/video contest was part of a project The youth Café carried out aimed at engaging the youth against corruption and the closing civic space in Kenya. We were honoured to have a keynote address from Samuel Kimeu, who is the Executive Director of Africa’s Voices Foundation, and former Executive Director of Transparency International Kenya since 2010.

Macho Reimagining The Fight Against Corruption

Macho Reimagining The Fight Against Corruption

Between 2019 and 2020, over 200 billion has been misplaced in Kenya through different graft strategies. According to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the country loses an estimated 1/3 of its annual budget to corruption. In a nation where young people make up more than 75% of its population, it is our responsibility to revise the fight against corruption.

African Economic Outlook 2021 | A Youth Lens

African Economic Outlook 2021 | A Youth Lens

Every year, the OECD Development Centre, the African Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa publish a report that focuses on the economics of most African countries. The report reviews the recent economic situation and predicts the short-term interrelated economic, social, and political evolution of all African economies.

Building Bridges Initiative Court Of Appeal Ruling, A Win Or A Loss For The People Of Kenya?

Building Bridges Initiative Court Of Appeal Ruling, A Win Or A Loss For The People Of Kenya?

The Youth Café, as a centrist non-governmental organization, therefore, calls upon all young people in the country to be not only critical examiners of government proposals but also active players in all democratic processes. The Youth Café believes that young people must get engaged in formal political processes and give their voice in drawing both today’s and tomorrow’s politics.

Excerpt Eight From A Recent Interview With University College London | Business Models That Enable Both Profit And Purpose In The Kenyan Context

Excerpt Eight From A Recent Interview With University College London | Business Models That Enable Both Profit And Purpose In The Kenyan Context

Earlier this year, The Youth Café was interviewed by Eliana Summer-Galai, a Masters student with the Institute of Global Prosperity at University College London (UCL). This interview was to provide insight into her research on the Kenyan Social Enterprise Ecosystem. This is the eighth post of the series on Finding business models that enable both profit and purpose can be challenging globally, how do you see this in the Kenyan Context?