How we Work — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.

How We Work

The Africa Youth Foundation works in the African continent, providing youth empowerment opportunities in various African countries. Our mission is to fund, strengthen and uphold the organizations by creating meaningful change for youths.

Guided by the United Nations Development Goals 4 & 8, which primarily focus on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for young people bestowing emphasis on youth empowerment through education and skills development.

The fund aims to equip youth with the skills, abilities and capacity needed to participate fully in the societies in which they live. Empowering youth to make informed decisions and contributing to Sustainable Development Goals.

The work of the African Youth Foundation is premised on the fact that all human beings are entitled to equal rights, protections and equal opportunities in society.

We focus on the youths because the ability to control a stable future generation lies in them.

Our work is also informed by the understanding that the majority of the continent's population is composed of youths, and thus investing in them will go a long way in stabilizing our African economies.