The Africa common position on Food Systems provides a synthesis of member states’ expressed views, perspectives and priorities as well as ambitions on key issues shaping Africa’s and the global food systems. In 2003, Africa adopted the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) as a continental policy framework for agricultural transformation to increase food security and nutrition and reduce poverty. In 2014 Africa renewed this commitment to agriculture transformation under the African Union (AU) CAADP Malabo declaration on agricultural growth and transformation with an expanded set of goals and targets to be achieved by 2025
Human Rights and Democracy Festival 2023 | Freedom, Justice and Equality for All
On December 8, 2023, The Youth Cafe, collaborating with other partners, ForumCiv, Badili Africa, and Africa Uncensored, organised a national Human Rights celebration event at the Daystar University Auditorium on Valley Road, Nairobi, Kenya. The theme, "Navigating the Consequences of Economic Shocks on Human Rights: Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All," occurred from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. This gathering drew a diverse audience of at least 300 participants, representing a cross-section of society, including youth, community members, persons with disabilities, and women.