socio-economic integration — Updates — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.

socio-economic integration

Inputs To The Secretary General’s Biennial Report On The Global Compact On Migration: Youth Perspective | The Youth Cafe

Inputs To The Secretary General’s Biennial Report On The Global Compact On Migration: Youth Perspective | The Youth Cafe

The Youth Cafe has conducted extensive consultations with youth-led and youth-focused organizations operating locally, nationally, or regionally in all parts of the world. In particular, the content of this submission comes from the consultations held at the Youth Forum held in conjunction with the XII Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development in Quito 2020 , a mapping of youth-led and youth-focused alternatives to child dentition in Latin America, and a recent webinar we held about the effects of COVID on youth on the move.