Business Proposal Tips That WillL Make Your Client Say Yes!

By Synthia Ontila

Are you worried that you do not have an excellent business proposal? It is normal to feel overwhelmed and a little bit anxious about writing a successful business proposal. Don’t leave your business’s success up to chance. Follow these nine steps to write winning proposals.

5 Most Compelling Qualities A Great Leader Must Have

5 Most Compelling Qualities A Great Leader Must Have

By Synthia Ontita

If there is one skill that is mostly revered across all organizations and institutions, it is leadership. Being the boss or in a position of power is not enough to make you a good leader. Effective leadership comes from the impact you have on people, the respect you garner and how you manage to walk the talk. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” says John Quincy Adams, the 6th president of US. The measure of a great leader has much less to do with how you define their role and more about their actual impact on others. Great leaders don’t reach the height of success without facing their share of minor challenges and major crises.

Is Chinese Owned Media Producing Misinformation Around Covid-19 Narratives In Africa?

Is Chinese Owned Media Producing Misinformation Around Covid-19 Narratives In Africa?

By Sara Kaso

In the last 20 years, China has massively increased its presence in African States on the economic- political field by investing in infrastructure and the logistic system with the purpose of building huge commercial and military poles. Notwithstanding, China has cautiously invested also in state- owned media agencies, TV Channels( CCTV Africa) , Radio ( China Radio International) broadcasting and journals (China daily) in Africa ( Greenslade, 2015).

How Can Young People Engage With The High Level Political Forum? | The Youth Cafe

How Can Young People Engage With The High Level Political Forum? | The Youth Cafe

The theme will be "Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development " . In particular, it will seek to better contextualize the ability to accelerate progress on SDGs while combating and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. The ‘Decade of Action’ is meant to galvine the global community towards activities aimed at fulfilling commitments made as part of the 2030 Agenda.

Statement Of Support To The UN Secretary General's Policy Brief On The Impact Of COVID-19 On Older Persons | The Youth Cafe

Statement Of Support To The UN Secretary General's Policy Brief On The  Impact Of COVID-19 On Older Persons | The Youth Cafe

In the face of the unprecedented spread of COVID-19, we strongly support the appeal by the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres for countries to promote responses to the pandemic based on the respect of the rights and dignity of older people as well as global solidarity. In this regard, we welcome the release of the Policy Brief of the United Nations Secretary-General on the impact of COVID-19 on older people.

Is China Producing Misinformation To Challenge Neutral Narratives on "the Coronavirus"? | The Youth Cafe

Is China Producing Misinformation To Challenge Neutral Narratives on "the Coronavirus"? | The Youth Cafe

By Sarah Kaso, a student of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London

This article addresses the question on how Chinese owned media, based in Africa, are producing misinformation to challenge neutral narratives on” the Coronavirus”. The argument is that through a new paradigm of journalism and the systematic use of agenda setting and framing China is shaping the narrative of Coronavirus shedding it into a positive light. As a young member of The Youth Café I wish to inform my peers- emerging young leaders and champions- to get a critical vision on the Information produced by Chinese media in Africa.