
Excerpt Five From A Recent Interview With University College London | Challenges And Opportunities Within Social Enterprise Ecosystems

Excerpt Five From A Recent Interview With University College London | Challenges And Opportunities Within Social Enterprise Ecosystems

Earlier this year, The Youth Café was interviewed by Eliana Summer-Galai, a Masters student with the Institute of Global Prosperity at University College London (UCL). This interview was to provide insight into her research on the Kenyan Social Enterprise Ecosystem. This is the fifth post of the series on How do you see the challenges and the opportunities within the SEE?

Is Chinese Owned Media Producing Misinformation Around Covid-19 Narratives In Africa?

Is Chinese Owned Media Producing Misinformation Around Covid-19 Narratives In Africa?

By Sara Kaso

In the last 20 years, China has massively increased its presence in African States on the economic- political field by investing in infrastructure and the logistic system with the purpose of building huge commercial and military poles. Notwithstanding, China has cautiously invested also in state- owned media agencies, TV Channels( CCTV Africa) , Radio ( China Radio International) broadcasting and journals (China daily) in Africa ( Greenslade, 2015).