
Take Action: 10 Ways You Can Help End Violence Against Women, Even During A Pandemic

Take Action: 10 Ways You Can Help End Violence Against Women, Even During A Pandemic

The pandemic of violence against women is not new. Even before COVID-19 hit us, globally, 243 million women and girls were abused by their intimate partners in the past year. The COVID-19 pandemic intensified the violence, even as support services faltered and accessing help became harder. This year the United Nations, together with our partners, are demanding four critical actions, summarized by our 2020 campaign theme: FUND, RESPOND, PREVENT, COLLECT.

Stuck At Home During The Pandemic? Give These Three Ideas A Try.

Stuck At Home During The Pandemic? Give These Three Ideas A Try.

For Samirah, making the most of her time during the COVID-19 pandemic has meant building new skills and improving on her existing ones. To those despairing in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Samirah calls for a different posture, one of hope and perseverance. You have to think beyond yourself, to help others succeed, and to understand that every action you take has an effect on those around you. For Samirah, making the most of her time during the COVID-19 pandemic has meant building new skills and improving on her existing ones.