Our internship program in the past 2 years

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Application for intern host companies is now open!


Registerd in Kenya and/or Africa
Private companies, industry associations, non-profit corporations, etc. Having a principal office in Kenya or an sub-Saharan country.

Number of host companies

Maximum 200 companies


One intern per company (in some case a company can host up to two interns)

Application period

From 15th July, 2020 to 23:59 on 30th October. 2021

Eligible interns

Highly-skilled young professionals having a nationality of developing countries (OECD/DAC-listed countries except China). 200 interns

Hosting period

The duration of an internship is normally between six and sixteen weeks. The total duration may be extended up to a maximum of six months, when there are special requirements and / or special needs of the receiving division / office.

Essential requirements for host companies

Companies meeting all the following requirements are eligible.

□Agreeing with the purpose of this program, promoting the hiring of foreign nationals by taking on internships, having interest in expanding and developing new overseas business, and being able to work in harmony with interns for this specific mission.

□Having a principal office in Japan. Private companies, industry associations, non-profit corporations, etc.

□Being able to provide practical work experience relating to the host company’s business

□Being able to provide full of sufficient preparedness necessary to accept intern as a host company.

□Being able to cooperate in supporting or helping In their for daily-life in Japan through the internship.

Application & selection method

□Registration is accepted via online from the company registration form of The Youth Cafe website. Host company and interns will be determined by the Screening Committee’s approval after matching with intern applicants at The Youth Cafe.

□The Youth Cafe and it’s partners will conduct matching of internship applicants after recruitment and selection.

Main support for host companies

□Management of the entire intern selection process

□Group trainings for host company’s person in charge

Main responsibilities of host companies

□Determining the outline and policies of the internship executed by the company

□Setting up rules and environment for accepting interns; emergency contact, and assigning a responsible supervisor as well as personnel providing work guidance and support for living arrangements.

□Formulating an internship plan (roles/goals, etc. of Internship manager & intern) in consultation with the intern

□Participating in e-learning, group training, follow-up training, Wrap up presentation

□Offering orientation for interns at the start of the internship (workplace rules, emergency contact, etc.)

□Providing a workplace environment for interns, including arranging PC and Internet connection for interns, as well as any items or fixtures needed to carry out the internship such as desks, chairs, office supplies, etc.

□Arranging living environments for interns including accommodation and commuting method which is best access to the workplace

□Managing progress of the internship, providing guidance to interns, and conducting regular reporting, communication, and consultation with The Youth Cafe.

□Responsible for taking care of the intern’s health and safety, in case of poor physical health, escorting intern to hospital, etc.

□Submitting daily reports, evaluation reports, surveys, and other documents requiring submission to the Program Office by the prescribed deadlines.

※This program offers work experience, not actual employment. It aims to provide interns with workplace skills and know-how. Please note it is not a substitute for casual or part-time employment etc.

※Please do not take the intern overseas on business trip during the internship period.


How do we recruit?


Who gets Accepted?


How does it run?


With regard to application signup, please confirm and agree with the following important points before signing your application.

1. Even after applying for registration, matching with a company will not necessarily be guaranteed.

2. Absolutely no inquiries will be answered in regard to the selection status or reasons for the decision.

3. Even after approval by the Screening Committee and matching has been established, acceptance may be cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances (visa, natural disasters, etc.).

4. After approval by the Screening Committee and matching is established after mutual agreement, cancellation may not be made at the convenience of the company or intern.

5. After starting the internship, temporary return or interruption of activities on company’s /intern’s own conveniences may not be accepted.

6. Internship may not be able to be fully completed in the desired acceptance period due to contingent factors.

7. Since the internship is supported The Youth Cafe, a non-profit youth organization acting in the public interest, the program’s results achieved through hosting of interns will be made public via official websites and similar media. For the FY2019 fiscal year, an overview of each intern's name, country of origin, and overview of internship at the host company will be disclosed, as well as information from interviews.

Fill the form below!