1. Recruitment / Information sessions
■Recruitment information sessions for host companies will be held in selected African locations.
■Information sessions about intern recruitment will be held by The Youth Cafe program officers .
2. Application / selection
■Registration is accepted online via the host company registration form on The Youth Cafe website. Host companies are permitted to register even if they do not participate in an information session.
■Based on registration content, The Youth Cafe will conduct interviews by phone or face-to-face and confirm suitability, implementation structure, understanding of the program’s intent, any preferences in regard to intake of interns, and the details of internship, and will determine whether or not the company may register as a host company to participate in this Program.
3. Matching
■After approval by the Screening Committee, The Youth Cafe will match interns with host companies, prioritizing combinations that have the potentials to satisfy the intent of this program.
■The Youth Cafe will notify host companies and intern applicants of the results of matching. After mutual agreement is reached, matching is successful.
■After matching is established, cancellation can not be made at the convenience of the company or intern.
4. the Screening Committee
■Matching was approved by the Screening Committee.
5. Notification of results
■After approval by the Screening Committee, notification of the acceptance decision will be sent both to the intern and the host company. Based on this notification, the host company will start preparing to accept the intern, and interns will start preparing for travel to host company locations and participating in the internship.
6. Finalization of contract
■With respect to intern acceptance and internships, a contract among The Youth Cafe, host company, and interns will be finalized, which will define the rules and obligations of intern acceptance.