Environmental Project in the Caribbean — Updates — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

We are excited to publish our new Capability Handbook! Evidence shows that change is only sustainable when determined, implemented, and owned by the affected communities! Learn more.

Environmental Project in the Caribbean

The Youth Cafe Becomes A Member of The Global Waste Cleaning Network

The Youth Cafe Becomes A Member of The Global Waste Cleaning Network

The Youth Cafe has become member of the Global Waste Cleaning Network o for 36 months running from 01 August 2022 till 30 September 2025. The Global Waste Cleaning Network (GWCN) plays a vital role in the growing worldwide movement to reduce the impact of Environmental pollution on the society via advocacy and the implementation of evidence-based programs to reduce pollution in Oceans, Coastlines, Lands, and the Atmosphere. The purpose of the Global Waste Cleaning Network is to support environmental activities, showcase, connect and train the network members, contribute to ecological debates, foster environmental research, and spread environment-related information.