Just Released: 2020 Annual Impact Report
The Youth Cafe is proud to share the eighth Impact Report produced based on the Social Return on Investment methodology. The average Social Return on Investment ratio for The Youth Cafe is 1:12, meaning that an investment of $1 delivers $12 value in terms of positive social impact.
The present report outlines the main activities and projects carried out by The Youth Cafe from January to December 2020. The activities were developed and implemented in compliance with The Youth Cafe Strategic approved Plan for 2018-2023 and The 2017 Youth Manifesto.
+50 activities were chosen for evaluation during the reporting period to represent the diversity of The Youth Cafe programming. They were selected to represent all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 22 countries in Africa.
“Young people have their lives before them. They are entitled to gain the right skills, knowledge, and opportunities to build a sustainable future for themselves, their communities, and their countries, and thus also for Africa. In 2021, we call for action b governments, civil society, private and public sectors, bi-and multilateral, and knowledge institutions to invest in the prospects of young people so that they can build a better, more resilient world and to work in partnership with young people.”
The Youth Cafe aims to advance youth-led approaches towards sustainable development, social equity, innovative solutions, community resilience, and transformative change.; please call us or send us an email.