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The Democracy Moves 2024 Annual Conference | Youth Power for Inclusive Democracy

  • The Youth Cafe Kitisuru Gardens Nairobi Kenya (map)

Youth Power for Inclusive Democracy: Exploring new Innovation in Evolving Civic and Governance Space


The Democracy Moves 2024 Annual Conference arrives at a pivotal moment as democracies worldwide confront unprecedented challenges. Authoritarian regimes are on the rise, civil liberties are shrinking, and disillusionment with democratic systems is growing. Youth, women, and marginalized groups face increasing exclusion, while economic and political discontent fuels skepticism about the efficacy of democracy. In 2024, more elections are expected than any year in recent history.

As dictatorships around the world are on the rise, civil liberties are rapidly diminishing, and the lack of democratic values has intensified political polarization. The growing sense of exclusion and marginalization of youth, women and special interest groups, as well as economic and political dissatisfaction, is metastasizing into a deep and abiding skepticism about whether democracy can work.

Across the regions, dissatisfaction with governance is palpable. In Africa for example, young people protest over limited economic opportunities, growing corruption, rising unemployment and limited opportunities for political participation. In Latin America and other parts of the world, democratic ideals falter as censorship and rights violations escalate. Democracy is failing and young people are feeling more and more disenfranchised. Censorship is on the rise, rights are being rolled back and those who defend democracy are being persecuted.

In the year 2024,we face a situation in which democracy worldwide is under pressure. Attempts to limit civic spaces, emerging threats of digital technology such as misinformation, disinformation and malformation, excesses free expression, and the prevalence of authoritarian regimes pose significant challenges to the future of democracy around the world.

Is there Hope?

Amidst these challenges, there are signs of resilience. Youth and women are pushing new forms of participation and democracy forward, pioneering advocacy strategies to hold governments accountable through Open Government Partnerships and Accountability. Through this conference, we will spotlight these efforts and explore collaborative approaches between governments and civil society to drive impactful reforms.

The emergence of digital Technology for example offers both promise and peril for democracy. As elections increasingly rely on digital platforms, concerns about surveillance, censorship, and data privacy escalate. The conference will delve into the intersection of technology and democracy, examining strategies to harness innovation while safeguarding democratic principles.

We Know that Young people and women are also crafting creative initiatives in the fields of Entrepreneurship, grassroots resource mobilization and participation that deserves a global platform for spotlighting. It is against this backdrop of global crises, as well the need for a global platform and opportunity for both discussion and seeking for a collaborative approach to solutions that Democracy Moves in Partnership with Restless Development will come together to host and facilitate the Annual Democracy Moves Conference 2024.

2. Background

Democracy Moves is a global network of young leaders who fight for democracy, human rights, and social justice in their home countries, primarily Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the MENA region.

Incubated at Restless Development, the network works to ensure that young people lead the way towards more inclusive, effective and participatory democracies in which all voices are respected and heard.

The First Annual Democracy Conference facilitated by Democracy Moves was held October 18-20, 2021 themed: Global Youth Activism in the Midst of Democratic Decline. The second was held virtually from June 21-23, 2023. Themed: Youth Redefining Democracy and Advocating for Rights. In 2024, Democracy Moves is presented with an excellent opportunity to host another installment of our annual conference, providing a platform for young people to engage in reflection, idea generation, and action in support of the preservation of global democracy.

Conference Objectives

  • Strengthen regional membership and chapters through in-person team-building and networking.

  • Highlight best practices and initiatives by Democracy Moves and Youth Collective Member Networks.

  • Foster synergies and collaborations with like-minded organizations and networks to broaden the Democracy Moves network.

Utilize the attention surrounding current elections to spotlight challenges to global democratization and facilitate constructive conversations among young leaders on innovative actions aligned with democratic values.

3. Expected Outcomes

  • Emergence and coordination of national, regional (Africa and Latin America) Youth networks actively engaging in decision-making processes.

  • Increased participation of young people in Global governance and political processes.

  • Generate a document with recommendations and commitment to action by the young attendees of the annual conference.

  • Support and tag along on the regional and Global initiatives planned for the post Democracy Moves Conference.

4.Outputs of the Conference

  • 60 diverse participants in person (formally members of the DM Network), 2021 conference participants, and newly reached. 1

  • 00 participants virtual

  • The Democracy Moves communiqué of the annual conference

  • An Alliance with other CSO for the Post-summit for Democracy Commitments Publication and blog post through our Democracy in Action Blog series

5. Conference Format

The conference aims to engage youth leaders, their organizations, as well as donors, funders, and supporters of democracy worldwide. Participants will be drawn from the Democracy Moves Network, Restless Development’s Youth Collectives Network, affiliate organizations, and partners. Anticipating over 500 registrations, the event will convene both virtually and in person,

with approximately 60 attendees from Kenya and the East Africa region expected to participate in

person, alongside around 200 virtual attendees. The conference will span two days, culminating

with a closing ceremony,scheduled for June 24-25, 2024.

The conference is scheduled to span two days, with distinct themes and activities planned for each. Day one, designated as "Youth Civil Society Day," will take place on June 24, 2024. This day will feature a combination of hybrid and virtual events running concurrently with the main conference, focusing on engaging with youth-led civil society initiatives. Day two, scheduled for June 25, 2024, will showcase "Youth Spotlights" alongside the closing ceremony, providing a platform to highlight outstanding youth-led projects and initiatives.

6. Communication Strategy

The communication strategy for the "Democracy Moves" Conference aims to commence outreach efforts in April 2024, targeting participants through various channels, primarily social media and digital platforms. The objective is to disseminate the registration form and promotional materials, including event details, speaker information, and the overarching mission, with a particular emphasis on engaging young people globally. The goal is to secure a minimum of 500 registrants for the virtual conference and 60 attendees for the in-person format. Additionally, the strategy seeks to generate excitement and interest among over 5000 individuals through social media platforms, encouraging them to actively follow the conference proceedings virtually.

7. Communication Channels

  • Event Website

  • Social Media (WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook)

  • Publications

  • Artivism/creatives

  • Emails

  • Blog posts

8. Web Registration / Google registration forms

The website shall contain the following:

  • Registration platform

  • Information for delegates–Program

  • Information on contacts for speakers and speaker’s profile

  • Event Emails – Three emailsfor registration, inquiries, and logistics


  • Launching the official registration of the conference

  • Messaging to be created around the themes.

  • Communicate messages around the three themes. The channel shall be audio, visual, and print publications.

10.Media Content Developers

  • Creative Graphic designers to produce posters, animations, and merchandise for the conference in both English and French

  • Content curators - Scholar’s network and writers and publish articles on the 3 themes of the congress.

  • Mentions on media stations through journalists within network members.

11. Resource Mobilization

Aggressive resource mobilization strategies will be employed for partnerships

  • Governments

  • Partners

  • Collaborators

  • Civil society organizations


  1. Topic 1: The State of Democracy Globally -

  2. Topic 2: The Evolving and emerging Global Trends -

  3. Topic 3: Youth Innovations Initiatives

13. Sessions:

i. The conference sessions will encompass a diverse blend of virtual, hybrid, and physical formats, with some sessions taking place at the Marrkson Suites Hotel in Hurligham, Nairobi, Kenya. We will extend a call for applications to our partners and democracy supporters to conduct hybrid or virtual side sessions.

Additionally, Democracy Moves has secured a venue in Nairobi, Kenya, and will offer opportunities for two local Kenyan CSOs to organize side events.

Furthermore, we will allocate two small grants of 500 Euros each to our network members in Africa and Latin America to facilitate the organization of hybrid vents in their respective countries.