IFAD | Grants For Disability Inclusive Rural Transformation Projects

IFAD Grants for Disability Inclusive Rural Transformation Projects

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is financing the grant project titled “Disability inclusive rural transformation Project”. The project aims for PwD, particularly women and youth with disabilities, to become active participants in and benefit from rural development projects tailored to fit the specific profiles of their disabilities, priority needs, constraints and opportunities in selected countries.

The purpose of these Terms of Reference (TORs) is to establish the scope, details and conditions for the implementation and evaluation of the project. This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive a three-year IFAD grant financing to implement the project: Disability inclusive rural transformation for a total amount of up to US$3 million.

Goals and Objectives

This goal will be achieved through the following two objectives:

  1. Promote disability-inclusive income generation for PwD through skilled and unskilled labour, self-employment, entrepreneurship, and competitive employment along the targeted agro-pastoral value chains;
  2. Raise awareness of PwD and overcome stigma among rural development professionals and communities.

Funding Information

Applicants must ensure a minimum counterpart contribution between US$500,000 and US$2,000,000. Key Activities by Component Innovative support to promote decent and viable rural job opportunities for PwD The objective is to develop tools, setup up support mechanisms and accompany the targeted beneficiaries to carry out economic activities, such as: Conduct a rapid survey within the intervention areas to identify and characterize PwD and assess their specific needs based on opportunities available within the agricultural and pastoral value chains and related jobs;
Develop tailored and innovative support packages and methodologies to support selected income generating activities and rural microenterprises for PwD.
Per job type, this will include, adapted technological packages, specific technical training, adult literacy and sign language to enable communication, Identification of partners and development of partnership (with local/national enterprises to ensure technology transfer for the manufacturing of farm equipment for example or the processing of agricultural products) ;

Support to the beneficiaries

The support can concern a group or individuals and will be based on demand and the specific need of the beneficiaries. It will include a combination of training, technical support, financing, advisory services, supply of farming tools and agricultural inputs, exchange visits and knowledge sharing etc. The Grant recipient will mobilize dedicated business advisors to accompany each need.

Create an enabling environment for the social and economic inclusion of PwD Awareness raising activities. The project will support awareness raising activities for the public and organize discussions with communities aimed at changing mentalities and removing cultural barriers that prevent the social and economic inclusion of PwD;
Institutional capacity building of PW’s organizations. To ensure that PwD participate in decision processes and in policy dialogue. The project will support bringing rural PwD together into organizations or including them in existing rural producers’ organizations, build the capacity of their leaders and provide necessary institutional support to their apex structure in each country. The project will also promote regional networks of PwD;
Policy engagement activities. The project will support advocacy activities for decision-makers to carry out disability inclusive policy reforms, develop disability-inclusive rural development and strengthen the technical, organizational and institutional structures (government and non-government) involved in policy dialogue.
Coordination, monitoring and evaluation, communication and knowledge management the project fiduciary and administrative management will follow IFAD’s standards. Partnership and synergies with partner’s intervention will be key for effective results-based implementation and delivery.


Furthermore, the association of PwD will be empowered to defend their interests/rights. Low capacity in the field to implement the project activities. The Grant recipient will apply competitive selection in order to recruit the most competent staffs/service providers.

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