Volunteer Service Overseas — The Youth Cafe Podcast — A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Volunteer Service Overseas

An Interview Hosted By Nation FM's Tina Kaggia Following The Launch of Youth Manifesto 2022.

An Interview Hosted By Nation FM's Tina Kaggia Following The Launch of Youth Manifesto 2022.

The Youth Café launched the Kenya Youth Manifesto 2022, which aims at addressing youth matters, especially in the next government. The agenda document is a declaration of shared visions that Kenyan youths have for their futures - demanding a full report from those running for office while they're campaigning and asking them to stick true to these promises after they're elected! With an estimated 70% of Kenya's population under age 35, some too many leaders take advantage of this demographic without listening when they need it most; those voices need to be heard now more than ever.