"So That" Chain: 3
Using an outcome map, we have visually laid out The Youth Cafe’s pathway of change. Our outcomes are “mapped” in a causal sequence, although we understand that change is typically more complex than a simple cause-and-effect relationship. In some cases, our outcomes occur sequentially, while other times they occur simultaneously. The Youth Cafe’s outcomes sometimes occur independently from each other or are highly interrelated. They may result from a single strategy or multiple ones, leading to common goals or separate ones.
Projects at The Youth Cafe should have an effective strategy for sustainability and self-reliance. This includes building sufficient technical capacity, skills, and competencies for diversified revenue and funding streams to act as agents of our own development, and nurturing relationships with and searches for future potential partners in coordination with our advisors and Partners.
“So that” chains of this strategy are as follows:
“We improve The Youth Cafe’s and other Youth-Led and Youth serving partner organization abilities to finance their own economic and social development by promoting a comprehensive Agency approach to help the organizations mobilize public revenues and expend resources effectively, transparently, and with accountability, while creating the enabling conditions for private investment and functioning capital markets.
“There is more investment in youth-led initiatives that are at the forefront of responding to community challenges and particularly those organizations that provide support to the most marginalized and vulnerable youth.
“There are partnerships and collaboration with the private sector to co-create and co-design market-based and enterprise-led development approaches.
“ There is increased leverage of markets, investments, firm behavior, and technical expertise to drive valuable business and development results in a sustainable manner over the short, medium, and long term. Given the growing and vital role the private sector has in solving global development problems, private sector engagement is essential to building resilient and lasting self-reliance.
“Policies and programs are designed and implemented and relationships are fostered that support organizations on their journey to self-reliance.”
“The capacity of The Youth Cafe is enhanced to generate, collect, synthesize, and disseminate evidence and learning, and facilitate their use to inform organizational policies, programs, and operations.