“So That” Chain: 1
Our strategies have been derived from the programs that are currently in place and address our ultimate impacts. These strategies include program strategies, campaigns, initiatives, collaborations, public awareness efforts, capacity-building efforts, and self-reliance efforts.
To build partnerships, and scale-up potential, partner with young people to build a better, more resilient Africa while linking the region and the world, our projects must, whenever possible, have a multi-stakeholder and cross-sector approach where they draw concrete links between younger and older generations on one hand, and Africa and other regions on the other, enabling exchanges and relevant content for all generations, building networks, and coalitions, including cooperation with “unusual” or underutilized actors such as those in the private sector and media players(mainstream and digital), and sharing costs with other actors whenever possible as well as mutual learning, maximizing synergies to avoid duplications and jointly searching for solutions.
“So That” Chains on this strategy are as follows:
“All existing, new, and prospective partnerships improve in the articulation of roles and responsibilities within The Youth Cafe through means like the shared plans of action, formal interagency agreements, and/or other collaborative protocols.
“Achieve results and leverage on partnerships with governments, international organizations, religious groups, United Nations, civil society groups, corporations, youth, and foundations. Partnerships with the aforementioned sectors through joint initiatives or philanthropic support for social programs that can amplify societal impact.
“Strategic partners of The Youth Cafe jointly implement actions with agreed-upon goals to improve our functioning and strengthen shared purposes.”
“Have sustained partnerships with and trust young people to participate and lead youth development programs, providing adequate resourcing and support to strengthen their capacities and the impact of their work.
“Have sustained partnerships with and trust young people to participate and lead youth development programs, providing adequate resourcing and support to strengthen their capacities and the impact of their work.
“We have increased partnerships with young people as leaders and experts at all stages of policymaking, including the follow-up and review of policy implementation to ensure accountability.”
“Further collaboration enhancement among stakeholders(local and international) to push for more accountability initiatives to be developed.(Impact)
“Inclusive, accessible, and empowering digital and physical spaces for youth(including marginalized youth and young women)are facilitated that meaningfully engage with different institutions by supporting and promoting structured mechanisms of engagement and feedback.
“Meaningful engagement is established with young people and partners through social media, mainstream media, and other innovative information technologies platforms for digital communication by young people pushing for agendas that promote and seek to solve complexities of young people’s precariousness in Africa.
“Increased initiatives/ programs are established through partnerships with the private sector that improve the lives & lifestyles of young people through reliable green economy jobs; e.g. our Youth na Biz program that promotes solar energy for small businesses and opportunities for skills training in the solar industry.”
“Provision of appropriately attentive and tailored services to young people through partnerships with insurance companies and medical providers that offer practical and tailored services to vulnerable young people.