A. Reaffirm our commitment to respect, protect and fulfil human rights for all, both online and offline, as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights instruments, as well as the Freedom Online Coalition’s various statements and declarations, including the Tallinn Agenda and Helsinki Declaration.
B. Underline the importance of multi-stakeholder co-operation, including governments, international organizations, civil society, private sector, academia, media, the technical community, and other relevant stakeholders, advocating for the development and use of digital technologies in ways that protect and reinforce democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
C. Underscore our collective vision of democracy in the digital age, through the lens of digital inclusion, whereby informed and engaged societies can participate meaningfully and equitably in all aspects of society, both online and offline.
D. Emphasize the need to overcome multiple, persistent digital divides, including the gender digital divide, and push back against the fragmentation of the global Internet, stressing that the free, open, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet and digital technologies are critical for the protection of human rights online as well as social and economic development and inclusive governance.
E. Underline the importance of digital literacy in realizing human rights and fundamental freedoms, including navigating diverse forms of online content, enabling access to reliable information to make informed decisions.
F. Reiterate the fundamental importance of diverse, inclusive and protected civic participation online, while expressing concern at growing attempts to restrict civic space online, including through Internet shutdowns, network disruptions and censorship.
G. Acknowledge that women and girls, as well as members of groups in situations of vulnerability and marginalization suffer disproportionately from the digital divide and the misuse and abuse of digital technologies, including online hate speech and online sexual and gender-based violence and harassment.
H. Stress that individuals must be protected from violations and abuses of their rights online including through the arbitrary or unlawful deployment of surveillance technology, including spyware used to censor, intimidate, and silence individuals, notably journalists, human rights defenders, and political opponents.
I. Highlight with concern the increasingly sophisticated threats to a healthy information ecosystem, which negatively impacts individuals’ ability to share, receive, and impart ideas and information, and may lead to polarization, including through the abuse of algorithmic tools or techniques with the intent to amplify and prioritize targeted disinformation.
J. Note that emerging digital technologies, including artificial intelligence systems, offer unprecedented opportunities for human development and innovation, with the potential to generate social and economic benefits and help protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, while remaining concerned by the documented, ongoing and possible use of such technologies in repressive, authoritarian, or discriminatory ways.
K. Recognize that effective efforts to promote transparency and accountability in the development and use of digital technologies improve respect for human rights protections by governments and other actors including the private sector.