1. TYC is building the institutional capacity of Youth-led organizations through the Participatory Organizational Capacity Assessment (POCA) tool by helping them identify gaps in key institutional areas, including; governance and accountability, planning and budgeting, project planning and management, monitoring evaluation and learning and learning system, data management, policy advocacy stakeholder involvement and partnership, resource mobilization, financial systems, procurement management, human resource management, inclusion, audit and compliance, partnership management and sustainability, and media and communication
2. TYC is strengthening the institutional building of 2200 youth-led organizations in Digital and Media Literacy to increase their civic reasoning engagement and understanding of youths’ roles in democracy
3.TYC’s Innovate Africa initiative, an online clearing house for short professional courses, is benefiting from the involvement of 33 active partner organizations from 24 countries and the participation of over 6,000 registered individual users from across Africa, attracting over 43,000 unique visitors per year. International organizations are members of the Group of Friends of The Youth Cafe, which also partners with hundreds of civil society actors.
4. The Youth Cafe is a youth-led and youth-serving organization that, among other goals, works towards enabling the youthful population in Africa to take charge of Africa's media growth. [1] [2]