Impact 〰️
The Kenya Kwanza government has adopted 83% of the 12 demands of the KYM. These insights inform the development of The Kenya Youth Manifesto.
1. 60% of the youth are increasing their awareness of corruption, digital protection and rights.
2. 55% of the youth are increasing their participation in the civic and political space. Young leaders receive TYC-assisted political party training on communication, grassroots mobilization and fundraising. Mainstream digital media is a space to enhance public participation and articulate issues.
1. 25% increase in the number of candidates who are women, youth and marginalized groups in political parties such as ODM, Jubilee, Amani Kenya, Narc, Tujibebe Party etc.
2. 20% increase in youth representation and inclusion in government and its agencies. This is made by reserving slots for youth in the political parties.
Reach 〰️
1. Magnified the visibility of 240 Young leaders across Kenya through the development of Kenya Youth Manifesto, whose development process addressed youth-specific needs in 47 counties in Kenya through human-centered design and developed a collective vision for the local development of youth up to 2027.
2. 240+ young leaders have received TYC-assisted political party training on communication, grassroots mobilization, and fundraising through the young leaders selected as part of the cohort
3. 1,000+ youth human rights defenders have been trained and supported on digital protection rights
4. USD 3 million in public funding allocated through The Youth Cafe’s Youth Participatory Budgeting
5. 76k youth Participatory Budgeting participants across 12 counties in Kenya
6. 45 youth-centered community-generated winning projects through Youth Participatory Budgeting.
7.200,000+ youth were engaged in an anti-corruption photo and video competition where contestants between 18 and 35 were expected to represent their corruption scenarios through photo and video mediums.
8. 50,000 youth start conversations on corruption and ways to mitigate it, elevate their voices in it, and use art to mitigate it creatively. The goals of this competition were to create awareness of corruption and the closing civic space in Kenya.
9. 3450 young people from low-income or marginalized communities have received legal aid or victim’s assistance with TYC support.
10. 25+ political parties assisted by TYC to implement initiatives to increase the number of candidates and/or members who are women, youth and from marginalized groups. Parties include ODM, Jubilee, Amani Kenya, Narc, Tujibebe Party, etc.
Systems change
Systems change 〰️
1. TYC is implementing Youth Participatory Budget in partnership with County governments, for instance, the County Government of Baringo.
2. The Youth Cafe is keen on deepening innovative ways to strengthen and support an enabling environment at the county level for social accountability and improve the quality and responsiveness of devolved service delivery to the youth.
3. The organization seeks to address challenges such as lack of access to information and confusion regarding fragmented rules/ systems, lack of civic training for most and elite/ older/ male demographic capture, and significant data challenges such as furthering inclusiveness and strengthening citizens’ capacity to oversee budget execution.
5. The Youth Cafe is providing a platform for Developing of Youth Manifestos, whose development processes address youth-specific needs at grassroots levels through human-centered design and developing a collective vision for the local development of youth up to 2027.
5. The TYC supports political parties such as ODM, Jubilee, Amani Kenya, Narc and Tujibebe party to implement initiatives to increase the number of candidates and/or members who are women, youth and from marginalized groups. The organization is not-partisan.