1. TYC is implementing Youth Participatory Budget in partnership with County governments, for instance, the County Government of Baringo.
2. The Youth Cafe is keen on deepening innovative ways to strengthen and support an enabling environment at the county level for social accountability and improve the quality and responsiveness of devolved service delivery to the youth.
3. The organization seeks to address challenges such as lack of access to information and confusion regarding fragmented rules/ systems, lack of civic training for most and elite/ older/ male demographic capture, and significant data challenges such as furthering inclusiveness and strengthening citizens’ capacity to oversee budget execution.
5. The Youth Cafe is providing a platform for Developing of Youth Manifestos, whose development processes address youth-specific needs at grassroots levels through human-centered design and developing a collective vision for the local development of youth up to 2027.
5. The TYC supports political parties such as ODM, Jubilee, Amani Kenya, Narc and Tujibebe party to implement initiatives to increase the number of candidates and/or members who are women, youth and from marginalized groups. The organization is not-partisan.