Chapter 2 : Mental Health


The expert discussions in the webinar provided much needed insight by the youth and wider society. Arguably, by having conversations in the webinar, even the panelists developed a sense of relief from the spiraling environment as Coronavirus cases skyrocket. The vastness of information sources in the series led to the following recommendations.

  • Mental health is a serious issue that individuals should acknowledge. This revelation calls for awareness and intentionality in managing our health.

  • Governments and associated organizations should develop elaborate mental health programs for people.

  • Developing a sense of normalcy during the pandemic helps increase positivity towards life.

  • Acknowledging mental challenges and actively seeking for help is the most important step in the process.

  • Having a strong support system lessens the likelihood of mental issues. People are thus advised to develop strong friendships and communication system.

  • Taking care of our physical health often translates to elevated mental wellbeing. As such, people should exercise and eat healthily.