A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Africa Continental African Youth Parliament |  Strengthening Youth Participation In Inclusive Policy and Decision-making Processes

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The Youth Cafe members disseminating policy briefs at a past function.

Africa Continental African Youth Parliament |  Strengthening Youth Participation In Inclusive Policy and Decision-making Processes

Building on the outcomes of the inter- and intra-continental mapping of youth networks, and the needs assessment conducted in both Africa, The Youth Cafe has established the Africa  Continental Youth Parliament (ACYP). African young people, youth-led organizations and networks now  have a safe and inclusive platform to participate in dialogues, debates and thematic discussions, access key information, learn about  policies and partnership and actively engage in policy making and monitoring as well as in influencing the decision-making processes. Seven major programmes have been established to support the youth needs, vision and aspirations under the ACYP structure.

These include i) Youth Advisory Group, ii) Policy and Advocacy Hubs, iii) Youth Think Tank, iv) Youth Café Networks, v) Youth Ambassadors, vi) Youth Academy and vii) Youth Mentorship programme. Under each programme, both physical and digital platforms and tools are  utilized to ensure no youth is left behind, including those from the marginalized groups. TYC plays key roles in supporting the outreach of ACYP in the regions and at the country level, with regional focal points  supporting the action in 16 countries in the Southern African Development Committee (SADC), in 9 countries in the East, Central and West African regions, and  in Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda. Engagement of strategic partners  in the establishment and functioning of the ACYP ensures the transfer of knowledge and best practices, peer learning through exchange and interaction between the African and youth.

The CAYP platform has been established to elevate the voices of African youth, ensuring their active participation, representation, and influence in shaping key policies and decision-making processes across the continent. Through this initiative, young people are empowered to contribute solutions and engage in meaningful dialogue with policymakers, driving positive change for their communities and the future of Africa.

The Youth Cafe maps existing virtual and in-person youth networks at the national, regional, and continental level; and facilitate consultation and assessment of needs and priorities with youth network members to ensure youth- owned and youth-led processes

During the 6-month inception period, TYC, supported by its members, facilitated a mapping exercise and needs assessment through virtual and in-person consultations with existing youth networks in the targeted 54 countries. The exercise targeted all youth networks known to TYC and its members, as well as youth networks from marginalized communities. The views and needs of vulnerable youth—young women, including young mothers, youth with disabilities, refugees, and internally displaced youth—are recorded. Under the overall coordination of the TYC Representative Office to the AU in Addis Ababa,

TYC is focusing on East, Central, and West Africa. The data gathered is being stored to inform the development of youth participation and representation strategies at the national, regional, continental, and continental levels. The outcomes are disseminated, targeting key stakeholders in the AU for buy-in and support. All identified youth networks are involved in the establishment of the ACYP and remain engaged in the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of CAYP actions. These outcomes further strengthen the CAYP structure and its collaborative approach to responding to youth needs and aspirations.

TYC Facilitates formation of a new, inclusive convening platform, Continental Africa Youth Parliament (ACYP) to consolidate youth voices and networks across Africa and increase youth’s inclusive participation in the AU, building on best practices and lessons learned from TYC’s success Built on the outcomes of the mapping and needs assessment and continuous consultations with identified youth and youth networks in Africa, a roadmap and key milestones for the ACYP establishment will be formulated. 

Through a youth-led process, ACYP has been formed following the project inception period, with its head office established in Ethiopia due to its strategic location near the African Union and easy accessibility. The ACYP charter and constitution have been developed, facilitated by TYC and its focal points. Details on the continental, regional, and sub-national structures, mandate, vision, governance structures, strategic and thematic emphasis, as well as operating procedures and policies of ACYP are currently in development. Milestones are being tracked to ensure progress, with TYC serving as a convenor for ACYP and its members. The general assembly of ACYP is organized annually, with the first year focusing on setting up the governance structure, charter, constitution, and overall operations of ACYP. Monthly, quarterly, and annual meetings of ACYP are also being convened.

As digital tools and platforms are key to the overall operation of  ACYP and the Youth Voices action, TYC and its members  are engaging external experts to develop a functional, youth-friendly and interactive digital platform to enable ACYP to effectively perform its strategic actions, engage with youth in Africa and connect with the European youth. Through the digital platform, and TYC physical outreach and engagement activities in target countries, the most vulnerable youth from the marginalized communities are engaged as members of the ACYP. All TYC members provide technical assistance and mentorship to ACYP, with stronger assistance by the consortium during the first two years of the project, and the gradual phase out of the assistance from the third year to enable ACYP to be more independent.

Each TYC implementing partner is  factoring some direct support from to enable ACYP necessary operations (e.g., key staff, office costs and others), and continue building its capacity, track record and fundraising skills to access other funding for financial sustainability beyond the project. Since ACYP is capitalizing on the success of the TYC, the TYC core team continues to ensure interaction, assistance and facilitate inter- continental exchange. ACYP members have the opportunity to participate and learn from the TYC in key sessions organized across Europe. Close interaction between the ACYP and the AU Steering Committee for the ACYP ensures shared understanding and continuous support from the AU, and access to AU funding.

TYC facilitates formation of an inclusive Youth Advisory Group to provide strategic guidance on youth voices, innovative solutions, priority actions and advocacy around AU  partnership

As a strategic mechanism, a Youth Advisory Group  has been established under the ACYP to provide strategic guidance on youth perspectives, innovative solutions, thematic emphasis, priority actions, and advocacy related to the AU. The identification of youth experts and advocates for the group leverages existing youth networks and organizations. A call for applications will be organized, with clearly defined criteria.

A selection committee has been established to evaluate the applications in a transparent manner, while outreach efforts are made to gauge the interest of identified experts and leaders to participate. Young women and youth with required qualifications and expertise coming from the marginalized groups are given priority. Selected numbers of African diaspora youth have also been invited to apply, since the aim is to promote stronger partnership of youth between the two continents.

The terms of reference (ToR) of the TYC and its members has been collaboratively developed with the expertise of the TYC Pool of Trainers, together with the program team. Internal procedures and operational structures were established, including rotation policies. Regular meetings are organized to enable the Advisory Group to provide strategic guidance and assistance to the ACYP. The group has  strategically been involved in providing directions and guidance, technical assistance and expertise in key programmes of the ACYP such as in the Youth Think Tank, Policy and Advocacy Hub and Youth Academy

TYC and its members facilitate formation of thematic Policy and Advocacy Hubs under the ACYP structure to further policy knowledge, discussions and actions by youth around AU Partnership

To increase youth participation in policy engagement and advocacy around the AU, Policy and Advocacy Hubs have been established under the ACYP. The Hubs play central roles in all ACYP policy and advocacy related activities, ranging from identification of strategic policy priorities, policy engagement and advocacy. Within this project context, the Policy and Advocacy Hubs are guided by the five thematic sectors of the Africa Strategy (e.g., green transition, energy access, environment and climate change, digital transformation, sustainable growth and jobs, human rights, peace and governance, migration and mobility). The Hubs serve as dialogue, debate, and advocacy platforms to spearhead youth voices and provide opportunities for youth to raise their ideas and offer innovative solutions to influence policies and further advance youth participation. The Hubs capitalize on best practices from the TYC and SADC Youth Parliament in addressing emerging issues and offering solutions to the policymakers. Strategically guided by

Youth Advisory Group, the Hubs are led by young thematic experts of the AU policies who continue to raise awareness on matters using ACYP platforms.

Key AU institutions including the AU, EU, SADC-PF, IGAD, and NEPAD are engaged in different policy discussions to share their priorities, and to hear the perspectives of young people in key thematic areas. Informed by evidence generation through research and case studies led by the Youth Think Tank and Advocacy Strategy of the ACYP, the Policy and Advocacy Hubs produce policy briefs, knowledge products, and calls for actions from the various thematic areas, which are used to influence policy narratives and consolidate key recommendations on areas that need attention from policymakers. Social media including X, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and podcasts and the digital space of the ACYP are utilized as a resource database and for dissemination more broadly to youth. Key policy dialogue and engagement  is carried out both virtually and physically. The TYC also takes advantage of other physical events such as parliamentary sessions, high level discussions and summits hosted by the AU to organize side events under ACYP leadership. Intra and continental thematic dialogue amongst CAYP members and which are continuously ensured. A total of 40 events are to be  conducted during the project with an estimate of 10 events per year.

The Youth Cafe facilitates formation and launch of the virtual and physical Youth Café Network for broader youth engagement and dialogues around AU  policy with physical arms in some African nations to promote access to grassroot, marginalized and underrepresented youth with limited digital means (refugees and IDP youth, youth from minority and ethnic groups)

The Youth Café Networks have been established, with clear structures and roadmap for broader outreach to youth. Built on the ACYP digital platform, online forums, webinars, and social media platforms have  been utilized to facilitate meaningful youth discussion, engagement and collaboration. Recognising the digital divide and the limited access to digital resources among certain youth groups, partners have  established physical arms of the Youth Café Network in African countries based on need. TYC is expanding the physical outreach to mobilize views of marginalized youth in the refugee settlements in Kenya and Uganda and internally displaced camps in South Sudan

These virtual and physical spaces serve as community hubs, providing an enabling environment for young people, especially disadvantaged and marginalized youth, to learn about AU policy and actions, and what roles they could play in advancing the AU partnership. The action uses existing government and partner organizations’ structures such as social halls and youth centers to set up physical youth cafés. Innovative events and debates are organized to collect inputs and feedback from grassroot level youth, which are conveyed to ACYP regional and continental mechanisms for higher level advocacy and dialogue with the AU organs. The action maps and uses appropriate youth-friendly channels, including social media, mobile technology, local FM radio, and youth ICT Hubs, to disseminate information on the Youth Café Network. This is done in collaboration with local authorities and respective ministries of youth in target countries.

Facilitate establishment of youth-led and youth-owned Think Tank and Youth Ambassador Programme to promote evidence creation, critical thinking, dialogue and debates among young people. 

The operational framework of the Youth Think Tank is being  developed to enable youth involvement at all stages, especially in the identification of their own priorities. The Think Tank is a different programme from the Policy and Advocacy Hub; but its evidence-based results support the engagement of the Policy and Advocacy Hubs, contributing to the attainment of the ACYP objectives. The Think Tank focuses on evidence generation through research and case studies conducted by youth. Therefore, active young researchers, academia and professionals in Africa will be encouraged to participate in the Youth Think Tank to conduct research, collect evidence and document youth needs, challenges, aspirations and actions, contributing to the development and monitoring of youth-centric policies around the AU partnership. Innovative thinking and problem-solving will be stimulated through youth conferences, democracy talks, and inter-continental hackathons, contributing to identification of high-quality solutions that drive innovations around issues of youth participation and in key thematic areas. Both physical and virtual youth-focused conferences and discussions will be organized at the country level in Africa to promote broader awareness and dissemination of the Think Tank’s products and materials.

As one of the key programmes of ACYP, the Youth Ambassador programme is being established based on the criteria and strategic guidance of the Advisory Group. The Ambassador Programme will enable ACYP to capitalize on the ‘’expertise, internal peer-to-peer learning and exchange’’ of its network members’ thematic experts and advocates, fostering intra and inter-continental shared vision, understanding and cooperation among young leaders. Virtual and physical exchanges of the Youth Ambassadors will be facilitated among youth networks in Africa, and also with youth networks in diaspora.