LEVERAGE: Outcome Areas And Outcome Statements

LEVERAGE: Outcome Areas And Outcome Statements

Our LEVERAGE: Outcome Areas And Outcome Statementsfocuses on different changes such as improving The Youth Cafe and other Youth-Led and Youth serving partner organization abilities to finance their own economic and social development by promoting a comprehensive Agency approach to help the organizations mobilize public revenues and expend resources effectively, transparently, and with accountability, while creating the enabling conditions for private investment.

Population-Level Outcome Areas And Outcome Statements

Population-Level Outcome Areas And Outcome Statements

Our aspiration on Changes in Universal Health Coverage is to provide key education opportunities such as access to knowledge,information, and health care young people need including; correct perception of their risks on HIV; increased knowledge on sexual behavior; the need to resist forced sex from partner(s) including having multiple intergenerational sexual partners; and drug use during sexual intercourse that compounds vulnerability of young people to HIV.

Impacts: Organizational Outcome Areas and Outcome Statements

Impacts: Organizational Outcome Areas and Outcome Statements

One of our outcome areas is Changes in knowledge/skills which goes with the outcome statement to enhance youth-centered capacity to generate, collect, synthesize, and disseminate evidence and learning powered by youth-friendly dissemination platforms (digital and physical) that ensure seamless knowledge transfer to enhance young people's employability and capacity for leadership and development of 21st-century skills and competencies.



Most youths have access to knowledge, information, and health care including; correct perception of their risks on HIV; increased knowledge on sexual behavior; the need to resist forced sex from a partner(s) including having multiple intergenerational sexual partners; and drug use during sexual intercourse that compounds the vulnerability of young people to HIV.


The Youth Cafe focuses on eight different thematic areas/activities. Each thematic area has distinctive inputs, outputs, and outcomes. One of our activities is on Education, Skills, and Technology. Our aim is to create opportunities for young people to develop employability skills and competencies including numeracy and literacy, “21st century skills” like critical thinking, communication skills, digital/media literacy skills, and adaptability to take on future challenges and opportunities in society while increasing their adaptability in the era of the fourth industrial revolution and access to high-quality job opportunities.