The theory of change is a necessary tool for the development of an organization, and the transition of inputs and activities to outputs, outcomes, and impacts. It creates a shared understanding of the changes that take place in an organization and the parties involved in that process. This detailed document is developed by relating all the aspects of the organization that direct us to our ultimate vision and mission. The Youth Cafe understands the importance of managing change in an organization as the guide towards achieving the goals set ahead. Impact changes at the organizational and population-level drive the organization to a defined future effect in youth development. The impact changes anchor the transformation requirements, designs, and processes to our desired state. 

Mapping influence and leverage changes is also a strategic move that allows us to develop a sense of direction and speed of achieving goals at the moment. Although our projects have defined goals, there are other unexpected benefits that are accrued as an influence in the course of our work. The unintended consequences of The Youth Cafe’s projects lead to a domino effect that creates a wider reach of our initiatives. Our growth is tied to the 8 impact areas we work towards and they cement youth development in Kenya and in Africa. The relationship between outcomes, impacts, and core capacities of The Youth Cafe presents an interrelationship that embodies the models of change. 

Our theory of change is a living document that keeps changing as the priorities, strategies, and models of work of The Youth Cafe changes. Consultation with stakeholders and review of progress provides data for improvement of The Theory of Change and tasks within projects. As The Youth Cafe increases its relations with external and internal stakeholders, the scope of work is bound to change. Fine-tuning The Theory of Change is a relevant and active process defining and redefining the causal relationships at The Youth Cafe.