Articulating our Assumptions. While The Youth Cafe’s  outcome map offers a visual sketch of the pathways to achieving our outcomes, our work is embedded in a context. It is helpful to complete the story by articulating the assumptions that influenced the map's design

Outlined below are the core assumptions that underpin The Youth Cafe Theory of Change. These explain why and how the steps in our Pathway of Change diagram enable the achievement of empowerment for young people.

For each assumption, implications for The Youth Cafe’s contribution to change are outlined. The key assumptions underlying the theory of change are as follows: 

  • That if the potential of the youth, especially those marginalized and vulnerable, are harnessed, they will be more engaged and participate meaningfully in pushing for development agendas that seek to solve and leave no youth behind.

  • That all project activities will incorporate gender and intersectional youth identities in proactive and constructive ways.

  • That if a conducive environment to embrace intergenerational co-leadership/solidarity is created, there will be changes in mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors that embrace mutual understanding, accept different cultures and embrace diversity.

  • That the governments, private sector organizations, international organizations, religious organizations, donors, civil society groups, corporations, youth organizations, and foundations are open to partnerships with Youth-Led/Youth Serving organizations to implement programs that promote positive youth development.

  • That the global and local context will be politically and culturally supportive of our initiatives.

  • That The Youth Cafe, its Advisory board, the staff, volunteers, interns, and beneficiaries, are committed to achieving the overall vision of the organization. 

  • That at The Youth Cafe, the individual, and organizational practices, strategies, decisions, and action plans emanate from research, learning, and adaptation.

  • That The Youth Cafe and partners are resilient to the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the efforts to promote youth programming are not deterred.

  • That The Youth Cafe the will and ownership of individuals and organizational partners’ are maintained, and the context in which they are operating remains stable to ensure sustained results.


    • Changes in the funding ecosystem, affecting resources going to youth-serving/youth-led organizations.

    • Youth networks and coalitions may not function effectively given competing interests and differing contexts.

    • Lack of motivation and ownership from youth derailing uptake and agency of initiatives thus threatening the sustainability of the projects.

    • Political instability affecting the time-limit and influence of our projects.

    • Insufficient buy-in from key stakeholders may derail new youth-related interventions.