A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Regional Youth Declaration on Children and Youth Rights in Armed Conflict Zones

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Regional Youth Declaration on
Children and Youth Rights in Armed Conflict Zones

The African Youth Cafe

25th June 2024

In our increasingly interconnected world, the principles of International Humanitarian Law and other United Nations conventions guide humanity’s commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of individuals, especially in times of armed conflicts and humanitarian crises. These laws are the cornerstone of our shared moral and ethical obligations, transcending borders and cultural differences. Yet, violations of these laws persist, causing immeasurable suffering, challenging our collective conscience, and significantly impacting vulnerable groups such as children, youth, women, and elders.

In the last few weeks, the world has witnessed the breaking of International Law and the established norms, including practices of hostage-taking, collective punishment, and indiscriminate bombing. The mass killing of civilians that qualify as genocide and ethnic cleansing as defined by the UN Genocide Convention are egregious violations. This includes reports of civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructures, targeting hospitals, schools, and civilian residences, with actions including collective punishment, the use of incendiary weapons, and orders of forced displacement of populations. All of these violations have raised serious questions about the protection of civilian populations and the motives of Member States’ actions that constitute violations of international law

We, the youth, are writing this declaration to emphasize the critical role we play in shaping the discourse surrounding violations of International Humanitarian Law and UN Conventions. Our perspective is uniquely rooted in our collective experiences and aspirations. It is our generation that will inherit the consequences of these violations, making our engagement and advocacy all the more crucial. As youth advocates for an equitable and just world, we firmly believe that if some of us are not free from the ravages of armed conflict and humanitarian crises, none of us can truly claim to live in a world guided by universal values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of individuals knows no borders or cultural differences.

We, the youth are:

Recognizing the enduring regional crisis in the Middle East affecting civilians, especially vulnerable groups like children, youth, women, and seniors.

Highlighting the importance of strict adherence to principles of proportionality, distinction, and precaution by all parties, as contended by both Human Rights Law and International Law.

Condemning violations of international law, including genocide and ethnic cleansing, with serious concern for civilian casualties, infrastructure damage, and the protection of civilian populations.

Emphasizing accountability for violations of international law, including investigations of individuals potentially responsible for committing crimes against humanity.

Reiterating the duty of all states to provide humanitarian and medical aid to youth and children affected in conflict zones, in accordance with international standards.

Reaffirming the significance of international treaties, especially the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in upholding children and youth rights in conflict zones.

Acknowledge our experience, impact, and deep understanding, more than any other generation, of the violence and tensions occurring from misuse of social media platforms by their moderators. 

Expressing deep concern over misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, and biases, stressing the need for responsible reporting and equal representation in traditional and new media.

Recognizing with deep concern that children are one of the most vulnerable during times of war and conflict. 

Urging the international community to take robust, decisive, and immediate actions to protect innocent civilians, and achieve a swift resolution to the ongoing reality on the ground.

We the youth, call upon all different stakeholders to address the following recommendations holistically:

We call upon Member States and Permanent Missions to: 

  1. Immediately call for an end to all hostilities, particularly those harming all protected classes of civilians, and implement an immediate ceasefire.

  2. Discontinue the killing of innocent civilians as the “collateral damage” of armed conflict, which is considered an egregious violation of International Humanitarian Law.

  3. Notice the recent conflict in the Middle East and Africa and immediately request the implementation of a cease-fire, pursuant to the Security Council Resolution #338 (SCR.338).

  4. Allow unhindered access to humanitarian aid and assistance, with no obstacles or delay including but not limited to food, access to clean water, medical equipment and medicines, shelter and non-food items, access to electricity and portable power stations, sanitation, and hygiene items.

  5. Recognize the necessity of utilizing the principles of International Law to address the root causes of the conflict, thereby creating effective solutions that ensure long-lasting peace.

  6. Recognize the context of the forcible mass transfer of civilians as an act of genocide.

  7. Acknowledge the law on the issue of forced displacement and the refugee crisis and its impact on children and youth.

  8. Promote sustainable and long-term solutions for refugees, such as family reunification, and reintegration.

  9. Immediately suspend the use of incendiary weapons including white phosphorus against civilians. 

  10. Halt arbitrary detentions and attacks on children, using detention as a last resort, for the shortest duration, in humanitarian conditions that can account for all basic needs.

  11. Establish a comprehensive accountability mechanism to investigate and bring to justice all responsible for war crimes and violations, including their involvement in ethnic cleansing, genocide, and forced occupation.

  12. Grant unrestricted access for international observers and journalists to ensure transparency and accountability.

  13. Secure the protection and safety of humanitarian workers, journalists, and frontline health workers, respecting their neutrality and impartiality in service provision and reporting.

  14. Secure protection and safety of educational institutions, including UNRWA schools, as peace zones, refraining from any attacks.

  15. Prioritize the protection of all areas of refuge, including healthcare facilities, residential buildings, and refugee camps, as well as sacred and religious sites that provide respite to civilians caught in the midst of armed conflict as upheld by International Humanitarian Law.

  16. Ensure accountability from all traditional media organizations, ensuring they adhere to the ethos of journalism by installing stricter sanctions for violations.

  17. Establish global best practices to ensure transparency and objective fact-checking on social media to mitigate the bias and increased tensions caused by misinformation and disinformation.

  18. Condemn policies and actions that lead to settler violence, home demolitions, and denial of development.

  19. Denounce the abduction of hostages and the continued unlawful imprisonment of children, adolescents, women, and men for political gain regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, political affiliation, or other factors.

  20. Ensure that women and girls are fully protected from acts of violence committed during times of armed conflict, protecting their rights as upheld by the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

We urge the International Community and relevant Agencies to:

  1. Encourage practical, constructive actions without diplomatic pretenses.

  2. Adapt new approaches to reach and implement a just and lasting solution to end occupation and apartheid, which includes providing more space and voice to the affected population.

  3. Support bilateral and multilateral dialogue to address the roots of the conflicts, including their political, economic, religious, and social manifestations. 

  4. Hold accountable those who violate the rights of civilians in conflict settings, particularly youth and children,  in accordance with international law.

  5. Advocate for the inclusion of diverse youth representatives in peace negotiations, peacebuilding, and decision-making processes.

  6. Collaborate with traditional and new media platforms to insist on truthful dissemination of information using strict guidelines and mechanisms of algorithmic supervision in order to reduce unethical or biased practices.

  7. Support initiatives for media platforms to limit notable bias in algorithmic shadow bans and other means of censorship, which contribute to the dissemination of propaganda and limit free speech.

  8. Highlight organizations, processes, and tools that assist information verification from online sources, news, and social media, while supporting communities in championing accurate information checks and dissemination.

  9. Inform about the increased rate at which major news networks and outlets have engaged in propaganda and disinformation.

  10. Prioritize initiatives that amplify youth voices in reconciliation efforts within militarized zones, addressing root causes of conflicts to achieve peacekeeping, justice, and strong institutions.

  11. Encourage financially capable countries to provide safe passage for critical humanitarian aid delivery to vulnerable populations.

  12. Facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid, particularly in areas with limited access to basic services and weak infrastructure.

  13. Support the provision of health services programs, including psychological and mental health, for the affected population with a focus on children, youth, women, men, and the elderly through different agencies and organizations, each in their field of expertise.

  14. Protect cultural heritage, emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural heritage sites and national artifacts during conflicts to maintain a sense of identity and history for affected communities.

We invite Non-governmental Organizations and Civil Society to:

  1. Collaborate on international advocacy efforts that raise awareness for the ongoing genocide, and foster interfaith, international, and intergenerational dialogues, cooperation, and reconciliation efforts.

  2. Actively monitor and observe all parties involved to ensure accountability and compliance with International Humanitarian Law.

  3. Provide avenues for youths and children in conflict zones to have access to updated information in order to be engaged in peace-building efforts.

  4. Provide essential services, such as psychosocial support and education, to the affected population, focusing on the most vulnerable groups.

  5. Continue to advocate for the protection and rights of men, women, children, and marginalized communities in conflict zones.

  6. Mobilize grassroots initiatives for interfaith and global reconciliation efforts that promote social cohesion and address the root causes of the conflict.

  7. Support initiatives and programs that promote education, job training, and opportunities for affected youth in conflict zones.

  8. Promote independent journalism and editorial autonomy in media organizations to prevent political and/or pressure group influence.

  9. Call upon journalists to verify sources in order to preclude the spread of false narratives.

We commit to advocating and upholding these principles for their implementation, knowing that children and youth can play a pivotal role in defying the status quo and making an innovative difference. In unity and with unwavering determination, we strive to uphold the dignity, rights, and well-being of all. We vehemently denounce the mistreatment of populations on the basis of ethnicity, race, or religious beliefs. All parties should have equal rights in terms of humanitarian assistance and support for defense.

In times of horror, it is tempting to close our eyes, look away, and allow our silence to be taken as a blessing. This would not be the first time. 

Once again, humanity stands at a fork in the road, where our path will determine the destiny of current and future generations. One path, dictated by fear, will guarantee the deaths of children and erase any opportunity for them to live a fulfilling life. The moral path, one of witnessing and action, allows for the innocent to heal and pursue endless possibilities.

The youth warn that without justice, there will be no peace. 

The African Youth Cafe (TAYC)