Our Location Direction

The Youth Cafe Headquarter’s offices are located at Kibichiku along Gitathuru Road in Kitisuru, Nairobi.

From Nairobi CBD using a Matatu

To get there using a matatu from Nairobi CBD, aboard matatu no. 119 at Koja Bus Station and alight at Kibichiku Secondary School.Directly opposite to the school entrance on the left side of the road there is a marrum road 100m to The Youth Cafe Headquarter’s offices. Click here for live direction.

From Westlands, Nairobi

If you are coming from any other part, first get to Westlands, The Youth Cafe is 11.9 km. Pick a matatu at Sarit Center and use Lower Kabete Road to connect to Getathuru Road and alight at Kibichiku primary School. Directly opposite to Kibichiku Secondary School, there is a marrum road 100m to The Youth Cafe Headquarter’s offices.Click here for live direction.

Using a taxi

If you are using a taxi, get to Sarit Center Westlands, Nairobi and use the Lower Kabete road and connect to Getathuru road to Kibichiku Primary School. Then turn left side of the road to a marrum road. The Youth Cafe is located 100m the along the road.