Proud history of safe travel
Since 2012, over 2,000 youth and adults have traveled safely with our organization around the Africa. The well-being of our travelers is our top priority. From on-the-ground transportation, to work safety equipment, to food prepared by chefs at our facilities, The Youth Cafe Trips employs extensive and rigorous safety measures and policies.
Equity & Accessibility
A guiding principle of The Youth Cafe Trips is that they must be equally accessible for everyone, regardless of economic background or physical ability. Travelers have had access to a variety of bursaries, scholarships and financial aid options, supported by the generosity of corporate and foundation partners.
“Our in-country teams have established communications protocols and maintain connections with reputable local medical facilities. They know what to do and where to go in an emergency.
All our trip facilitators receive first-aid, child protection and emergency-response training, and are equipped with a thorough understanding of group dynamics and cultural sensitivity to ensure a seamless experience for all travelers. Contact us for more about safety measures and policies.”
Commitment to sustainable tourism
Dr. Jane Goodall, an inspirer of our work, once noted that the only way to ensure environmental protection of sensitive areas is to ensure economic systems are in place to benefit the local community. This idea is at the core of the The Youth Cafe development model and is integral to The Youth Cafe Trips.
Through initiatives like the College of Hospitality and Tourism in Kenya, and a similar programs, we ensure tourism jobs benefit communities, reducing problems like poaching and deforestation. We invest heavily in ecological protection, reducing our carbon footprint by growing organic produce in local gardens and engaging in a tree nursery program to support reforestation programs. In locations where we are the operators of the accommodations, they are built to be conducive to the natural habitat and use natural, local resources in their construction. We support the conservation goals of our host countries, for example by contributing to park fees at wildlife reserves in Kenya and Tanzania. Our travel programs are carefully designed to demonstrate cultural respect, understanding and social inclusivity, with the blessing of local community leaders.
The Youth Cafe Trips meets or exceeds the criteria for sustainable travel set forth by the World Bank for sustainable tourism.