A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Youth And Migration | The Youth Cafe

Young people migrate for a plethora of reasons. The decision to migrate is often related to important life transitions, such as obtaining higher education, finding and starting work, or getting married. With some 71 million youth unemployed globally in 20164 the search for work continues to be significant driver of youth migration in both developed and developing countries.


• In 2013, young migrants (aged 15 to 24) represented 12 per cent of the total migrant population (28.2 million people).

• Of international migrants 10.2 per cent in developed countries, 14.9 per cent in developing countries, and 20.9 per cent of those in least-developed countries were youth.

• In developed countries young women made up 48.9 per cent of young migrants; and 43 per cent of young migrants in developing countries.

• 27 million young people leave their countries of birth to seek employment abroad as international migrants (ILO).

• Key drivers of youth migration include employment, education, marriage, and escape from poverty, violence, conflict and environmental change.