A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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The Youth Cafe and Africa Check Collaborated for the 'Scam Slam' Campaign, a Comprehensive Media Literacy Campaign

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In the age of rapidly disseminating information, the importance of discerning between fact and fiction cannot be overstated. Recognising this, The Youth Cafe is partnering with Africa Check to bring you the "Scam Slam" campaign, a comprehensive media literacy campaign. With its primary focus on empowering the public, particularly the youth, the campaign aims to provide a deep understanding of essential financial literacy concepts and skills. This aligns with the shared commitment between Africa Check and The Youth Cafe to work together to empower individuals, especially youth, to recognise and avoid online scams and critically evaluate dubious financial information.

Launched in September 2023, the "Scam Slam" campaign is a testament to The Youth Cafe and Africa Check’s dedication to enhancing public awareness, especially among the youth. We believe equipping our youth with a solid understanding of financial literacy concepts is crucial. "Scam Slam" entails a variety of vital topics - from recognising and establishing one’s financial values, understanding the profound effects of advertising, and providing indispensable financial advice for young adults to shedding light on effective job-search strategies. More importantly, we've focused heavily on empowering individuals with the knowledge to recognise, avoid, and react appropriately to online scams and dubious financial information.

The "Scam Slam" campaign has several key objectives:

  1. Scam Slam Campaign seeks to foster critical thinking, enabling the youth to question and evaluate the information they encounter daily. 

  2. Secondly, the campaign is dedicated to increasing public access to accurate and reliable information, especially financial literacy. 

  3. Lastly, a significant goal of the campaign is to enhance the fact-checking skills of various stakeholders, including students, journalists, bloggers, and citizen reporters.

To ensure accessibility and widespread reach, the content has been tailored to suit various formats and languages:

  1. Podcast Series: Six episodes are available in English and Swahili.

  2. Graphics: Engaging graphics for social media platforms that encapsulate and summarise our key topics.

  3. Animated Videos: Five detailed animations elucidating key subjects for easy comprehension.


Week 1: Understanding Your Financial Values

Week 2: Financial Tips for Young Adults

Week 3: Spotting and Stopping Online Scams

Week 4: Starting Your Job Search and Getting the Job

Week 5: Staying Safe Financially

Week 6: Responding to Dodgy Financial Information


  • Writing blog posts that explain the media literacy work and its importance – specifically to youth.

  • Sharing the campaign media assets, PODCASTS, Animated Videos and Graphics on the Youth Cafe’s Social Media platforms.

  • Media engagement: Facilitating real-time interaction with participants, answering questions, and providing feedback to foster a community of digitally literate individuals during the 'Scam Slam' campaign.

Join the Campaign on The Youth Cafe's social media pages!

Facebook: TheYouthCafe1

Twitter(X): @TheYouthCafe

Instagram: @theyouthcafeafrica

Email Address: info@theyouthcafe.com

Website: The Youth Cafe