Impacts: Organizational Outcome Areas and Outcome Statements
Impacts: Organizational Outcome Areas and Outcome Statements
Changes in attitudes, e.g. perceptions and beliefs
Embrace multicultural bridge-building through created conditions for inclusivity, multiculturalism, and diversity to reduce discriminatory practices based on ethnic/religious/ minority and excluded youth groups with policies that foster knowledge of the law, contribute to citizens’ awareness and empowerment of these youth groups to interact with each other and meaningfully engage them in different programming.
Changes in knowledge/skills
Enhance youth-centered capacity to generate, collect, synthesize, and disseminate evidence and learning powered by youth-friendly dissemination platforms (digital and physical) that ensure seamless knowledge transfer to enhance young people's employability and capacity for leadership and development of 21st-century skills and competencies.
Changes in youth participation/advocacy
Meaningfully engaging youth fostered innovative, impactful, and progressive policies that promote young people’s socio-economic and political participation and engagement at national, regional, and global levels while enhancing their capacity to stand up for their rights, prioritizing those marginalized, vulnerable, and minority groups.
Changes in behavior
Implement programs that bring positive change to the youth through self-transformation that result in positive and lasting changes of mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors.